In the distinctly personal level I have to say that these last ten years, I have often had moments of reconsideration, especially about my own personal spiritual experience and what this allows me to do, for the benefit of others.
It is for this reason that I have continued with this work on this blog and I have noted that at the time to work in this place of the Internet I have been helping myself to feel better and enjoy much more satisfactorily my own personal life experience.
From 2018 until the start of the pandemic, I had the satisfaction of seeing the highest number of people who visited this blog.
At that time I had more than 300 publications, many of which no longer exist since they mostly dealt with both my spiritual experience and the different stages I have gone through to perceive my health recovery.
But the most important thing of all and that fills me with admiration is the large number of countries to which this humble blog has reached and in which there have been many people who have shown some interest in reading my personal comments, practically about everything.
There are more than 20 different countries from the 5 continents.
Among these I can mention for example: Sweden, USA, Russia, Germany, Denmark, France, Ukraine, Canada, Chile, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Great Britain, Ireland, Spain, Egypt, Brazil, United Arab Emirates and many others.
It is the immense and intense informative activity that currently we have today that allows us to be informed of things almost at the same time that these befall it.
This is very valuable and meaningful in times of huge natural disasters that are happening daily in the world.
However, most of the criminal actions that occur today are revealed almost instantly, but they are acts that have been happening for thousands of years, because they are part of the natural tendencies of the human being who never wanted to understand their personal responsibility in the social context of humanity.
Many times when contemplating news programs that offer various TV channels, one is stunned by the coldness of those who without any contemplation, are capable of killing in the almost more barbarous ways imaginable.
And this in the 21st century, behind two world wars and a permanent state of hostility that comes precisely from the extreme stubbornness of those who refuse to consider things in a more sensible manner and for the benefit of the entire humankind.
On the other hand, it is not particularly the public opinion which should begin shortly to reconsider a number of issues that are of real importance.
They are the ones who are always willing to serve as a guide to the masses (the rulers in the world), who are currently being forced to review or question concepts that have been in operation for many centuries, but today have no practical legitimacy to continue to be regarded almost as "sacred", immovable or irreplaceable.
Among those things I want to put on the table the true meaning, purpose and aim for something that today almost nobody dares to doubt its value.
And I do it considering the most recent cases that from all points of view are nothing more than farce and deceit.
I mean the concept "democracy" and its key pillar, the elections.
There are currently millions of political refugees worldwide who have had to leave their countries and all their possessions and family, because of the political, "religious", economic and social enmity which still exist in almost every continent.
I was one of them personally, but nearly forty years ago and during the course of these years and from the peaceful Sweden, I have seen the enormous changes that have been happening in the world and "redoing" it practically, from the feet to the head.
That is to say, from the very earth that sustains us and to the most secret intimacy of our thoughts.
But this is not really the most important thing that I personally understand should be reconsidered.
For me remains sacred, what it really is sacred and between it, the works of God made manifest in the Gospel that left us, more than 2000 years ago, Jesus of Nazareth.
But att there are "believers" of the Nazarene, without making any effort to be worthy disciples of him, is something that hurts me deeply.
But att there are "believers" of the Nazarene, without making any effort to be worthy disciples of him, is something that hurts me deeply.
And this on that now I comment my dear friends, is something that Jesus himself achieved to discern from a distance and thus expressed and in many ways.
Many will be called, but few chosen.
The main cause lies in something as simple and easy as our behavior at a social level.
It is here where many noisily shipwreck, since the true meaning of freeing oneself by knowing the Truth is precisely that of being used in favor of others and in a special way, of those most in need.
And in particular, they are implicit in the Sermon on the Mount and when mentioning the blessed, all those acts that deserve to be rewarded with eternal life.
There really are many people who, without confessing themselves to be "Christians", have acted in absolute and full congruence with the teachings of the Messiah and I am sure they will continue to do so, as things continue to unfold at this special moment in the history of humanity.
Thanks for your visit today and until next time.