söndag 28 januari 2024

Moving on.


First of all, I want to confess that this personal testimony has approximately 10 people in the world who follow it with some interest and 10 more who from time to time have the possibility of resuming contact with this blog, because in the countries where they live they find it difficult to access the Internet.
My first pretensions were much greater. I thought that the more people became familiar with what I am comment on, clarifying and revealing here, the more quickly the interest in the whole world could have been awakened to know where we are as humanity and what is happening to the powers of nature and even more importantly, what is the reason, not this change or transformation, but of this ecological renewal that is signaling the end of an era and the beginning of a new one.
The fact is that I understand perfectly why I feel frustrated, because I personally have a life trajectory that, added to my spiritual experience, continues to teach me a little bit of everything.

To clarify things further, I must repeat once again that I am not a professional "religious" and I don't even belong to any group in particular.
My spiritual experience is something strictly personal that has happened thanks to the mediation of the risen Jesus and the mercy of God and has been transformed into a communion that is intended to testify about the historical moment that humanity is living today.
I think I was considered as the person to fulfill this objective because of the work that at that time I was performing in a radio station (Social-Media), in a time highly unstable at the socio-political and economic level.
This is the reason for the tremendous difference between the things I comment on in this blog and what is generally considered known and understood in the world.

All of this has led me to confirm or verify the true existential reality in which we find ourselves and which clearly illuminates the reason why, as human beings, it is so difficult for us to understand it and for a very simple reason.
There is someone who knows much more than we imagine or suppose, even about ourselves as beings highly prepared to be part of the existence.
That someone even has the means to grant information or reveal secrets that  keeps to itself and jealously guards them since this one knows perfectly the current state of the human being.
Personally, I have a series of revelations, all of them included in the scriptures but very difficult to be fully understood.
The most impactful for me in these very moments is to feel, in the integrity of my body, the tremendous regenerative power that  have at its disposal to make all things new, including the current human being.

lördag 20 januari 2024

Still in my way.


With the music that pleases me and always accompanied by my beautiful "babies" I continue to advance in the wonderful experience that I have been granted the privilege of getting to know and of which I bear witness in this blog.
The thing is that in no way can I remain silent and not share how much I have been taught and continue to learn, regarding all the topics that this blog contains.
The truth is that lately I have been making continuous progress in terms of solving a lot of puzzles that have appeared as I have continued to advance.
In this sense, I must confess that I really feel ignorant in almost everything that is related to the spiritual dimension and despite how much I have commented on this blog, I realize that there is much that I still need to verify, in the purely personal level.

The biggest enigma is my own existence, since at a very early age I was brutally damaged in the brain, precisely the part of the body that I consider to be the most unstable and difficult to get to know, at least personally.
Many of the things that have happened in my life, from childhood until now, are related to the lack of activity and interrelation with the rest of the body, of part of the damaged region and especially with the other cerebral hemisphere that does not was damaged.

I think that by making these types of confessions, you my dear friends, will be able to understand the reason why I have been shown compassion and helped, despite how tremendously difficult it is to recover the normal functions of all blows and wounds that I have accumulated until now in body, mind and soul.

tisdag 9 januari 2024

Things that could happen.


According to everything exposed in this blog, at least two great transcendental things are still on track to come true. They are the resurrection of the dead and the establishment of the Kingdom of God on earth.
Of course this is still for many a complete illusion, in the face of which I feel the need to reiterate that I have a small experience, not only theoretic but above all practical, which allows me to ensure that both transcendental events are already on the way, precisely in the midst of an unstable and unresolvable situation of today's  humanity.
And I say transcendental since these are truly extraordinary things that will mark the limit between the past and the future of the planet as a whole.
On this occasion I wanted to summarize some of the things that can happen and at the least expected moment.
According to the writings and research carried out by scientific experts in various areas, this planet with everything it contains is exposed, first of all, to a disastrous cataclysm that has never happened before and that is not only due to the activity of the magma of the planet earth, but also to the immense turbulences that occur in the sun of this system to which this planet belongs.
Other things that are very likely to happen according to the above is a gigantic eruption of some of the many volcanoes on the 5 continents and also, the unexpected appearance of a new continent, presumably in the middle of the immense Pacific Ocean.
But without a doubt, what could most affect, especially to the humanity, is an unexpected change in the polarity of the Earth, which would imply a total stoppage of all the activity that is carried out today in the entire world.
The main cause that could lead to one of these catastrophic events is the degree of lawlessness that continues to be implemented in the world and that could give rise to an even greater disaster, with unimaginable consequences.
This is what Jesus refers to when he expresses that if this time were not shortened, there would be no one who would be saved, but it will be shortened.