fredag 26 maj 2023

My humble counsel.

Everybody knows that the human being is extremely capable and mighty, but also extremely susceptible with what is most characteristic or typical human, the capacity to think.
I return again to one of the crucial question that I try to answer in this blogg.
How? What is what we must do?
My principal counsel is to try to pay attention to everything what is happening at the moment and at worldwide level, but without trying "to understand it" or to analyse it, but to feel it.
To leave the senses and the feelings speak to us and transmit theirs messages to us instead of our thoughts, since these last are those that at heart have made us be separated or removed of the pure reality.
We must once and for all recognise that we are dominated by our own reasoning and those of the society in general that we belong to, of such form that we do not leave the life circulates freely around all the living being that we are.
It is certain that we count on all this enormous thinking capacity, but like living beings we are in more dependency of the life than of all our ideas.
By the fact that we are alive, the life has provided us with something extremely more valuable than all our thoughts, namely, the spirit, something that very few human beings have got to be conscientious of it.
In order to obtain it, the life has disposed an operation that it is so simple, that the majority never has been able to experience for just that reason.
It treats to be or to reach the same wave or frequency of the life.
This seems at first sight to be something very simple but at heart it is something very valuable and significant. Because one need to abandon, at least during a moment, the own understanding and valuation of the things that one has, to pay attention to another one, that in this one precise case it is the life or the purest reality.
This abandonment I assigned, represents at heart a confidence crossing and therefore an opening towards something or somebody that one have a little affection.
I speak permanently in terms of life, since it is the life the one that at the moment we perceive like in a state of insecurity and uncertainty.
It is finally with the life with which we must be reconciled. Since until this one moment we have been "living" on illusions and thoughts, ideas and fantasias and have been deceived of this one way by the things that are not real and do not have any power to give life to someone.
The fact that until this moment we have not been able to find the answers to our more serious questions must to the simply fact that the way that we have taken with this one objective is not the appropriate one.
For that reason it is of absolute urgency for us, to finish once and for all with the "symbols" and the representations and to begin to rely on the purest reality.
It is only of this form as we are going to be able to understand and to perceive the things in totally objective form.
In short my counsel is to use all our human resources, to manage to enter consciousness of the most valuable things, with the help of all the experiences of life that we are going to pass trough in the closest future. In order to be able to understand what happen now and what is going to take place more ahead, we are in the necessity to renovate us simultaneously with the transformations or changes that in all level are on way.
The mission of those like me that are counted with the privilege to have been able to verify the mercy of God, is the one to serve as encouragement before the pressures of the circumstances of life of this time. A time that does not have some comparison, but that implies transcendental changes.
We must not lose the notion, at no moment, that it is the human dignity the one that is on the way to be recovered.
For those that still doubt on the urgent necessity that we have to overpower and to release us of the dominion of our own mind, and with the help of the spirit, I recommend the reading of the letter to the Romans contained in the new testament. This writing include more than sufficient information and explanations on this entire problematic one.
This letter to the Romans, written does approximately two thousand years ago, tries to make clear that the human being, without the participation and help of the spirit in his nature, is still in the slavery of the mind, the error and the death.
See: Letter to the Romans chapter 8
I am going to put full stop to this comment, repeating once again what from the beginning it has been my fundamental base and that at heart summarises what practically the spiritual factor is.

"And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free ".

måndag 22 maj 2023

To you.


John 15: 13-15
"No one can have greater love than to lay down his life for his friends.
You are my friends, if you do what I command you.
I shall no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master´s business; I call you friends, because I have made know to you everything I have learnt from my Father".

1 John 4:18
"In love there is no room for fear, but perfect love drives out fear, because fear implies punishment and whoever is afraid has not come to perfection in love".

John 3: 16-17
"For this is how God loved the world: he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life.
For God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but so that through him the world might be saved".

onsdag 17 maj 2023

Signs of the time.

It is difficult to find a common denominator to these three points that I have summarised like specific symptoms that characterise the present state of the world, although to tell the truth, one certain good exists.
The three are indicating the term of an era and the approach or coming of a new time that brings with itself radical transformations in all order of things

1.- The return of the people of Israel
The return of Israel’s people to its old territories is one of the signals most characteristic of this time. This people are associated immediately with religion and therefore with God, and this fact has a great importance for the rest of the national groups of the entire world. They have also own historical experiences, traditions and doctrines, in this order of things.

2.- The Nature
The whole planet is feeling the weight to the brutal treatment that the human being has conferred to it during a long time. And now it is reacting with violence, in the form of climatic changes, volcanic activity, floods, storms, tornadoes, and an enormous amount of other phenomena that are not so easy to appreciate, but that in their totality signify considerable alterations in the ecological system of the planet.

3.- Technology, politics and economy
These three typical factors of the present time have taken the total commando over all type of human activity on the Earth, imposing a terror and consternation climate to the humblest and defenceless from the existing civilization.
Measures and determinations in all scope of things, mean an enormous deterioration of the conditions of life of a great majority, an unemployment that only increases, problems of health, delinquency, war and armed conflicts of all type and much more.

tisdag 9 maj 2023

Special edition.


"Here's my key philosophy.
A freak like me just needs infinity.
Relax, take your time.
And take your time to trust in me and you will find infinity.
The time goes by so naturally why you'll receive infinity.

Infinity is something that has no end.
In our world we have nothing like it.
So do not think that you will be able to perceive, describe or understand it.
The most natural and sensible thing is actually to think, but "without limits".
No one knows what infinity is until they find it.
And then you will become a part of infinity.

The Proverbs 12:19
"Sincere lips endure for ever, the lying tongue lasts only a moment".  

John 6 :63
"It is the spirit that gives life, the flesh has nothing to offer.
The words I have spoken to you are spirit and they are life".

John 17:3
"And eternal life is this: to know you, the only true God and Jesus Christ whom you have sent".