tisdag 23 april 2024

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As it is said in Castilian: "I care a cumin" what "scientific" lords, the famous "religions" of the world, the group of lawless that again has taken the economic control at the global level and the "clueless" who continue to maintain the climate of terror on Earth, think, say, or intend to do.
In the name of Jesus of Nazareth and the Holy Spirit of Truth I confirm that in the not too distant future, the Kingdom of God or Kingdom of Heaven will finally settling on the face of the Earth.

Som det sägs på kastilianska: "Jag bryr mig om en kummin" vad "vetenskapliga" herrar, de berömda "religionerna" i världen, de gruppen laglösa som återigen har tagit den ekonomiska kontrollen på global nivå och de "aningslösa" som fortsätter att upprätthålla terror klimatet på jorden, tänker, säger eller gör.
I Jesu från Nasaret namn och Sanningens Helige Ande bekräftar jag att inom en inte alltför avlägsen framtid kommer Guds rike eller himmelriket äntligen att lägga sig på denna planets yta.

Como se dice en castellano: "me importa un comino" lo que los señores "científicos", las famosas"religiones" del mundo, el grupo de desaforados que nuevamente ha tomado el control económico a nivel mundial y los "despistados" que siguen manteniendo el clima de terror sobre la tierra, piensen, digan o se propongan hacer.
En el nombre de Jesús de Nasaret y del Espíritu Santo de la Verdad doy testimonio de que dentro de un tiempo no muy lejano, el Reino de Dios o Reino de los Cielos habrá finalmente de establecerse sobre la faz de este planeta.

måndag 15 april 2024



It has been almost 50 years since my spiritual experience occurred and to this day I continue to learn, both from one and the other, thanks to the positive effect that this type of supernatural contact causes.
In any case, and this is something that I must also confess, sometimes I fall into a tremendous general malaise that of course confuses and depresses me.
The fact is that it is not only I who am advancing along the path that I was granted the privilege of getting to know.
It is the entire planet that is in the process of renewal and the fact of being present in this world means being exposed to the multiple circumstances that all this causes.
To all this we must add that the entire Universe is being affected by a definitive renewal and consequently this phenomenon is also affecting the Earth, although we do not realize it since these are forces or radiations that are totally invisible to the human eye.

Sometimes it becomes difficult to continue keeping alive the hope of being able to witness everything that has been promised.
For me personally, it is almost impossible to be able to confirm that death has to disappear definitively. This is due to the fact that these last 10 years I have gone through almost unbearable periods, due to intense activity within my entire body and which aims to rectify vital organic functions.
By perceiving these rectifications I have been realizing the multiple and sophisticated interactions of the different organs that make up the human being and I have been understanding little by little how much it has cost to create the living creature that we are.

Sometimes, people whom one knows or whom one simply admires, voluntarily or involuntarily, manage to encourage me to continue advancing along the path that I have been traveling and that I consider to be the only and the best alternative that I have, to give it a specific purpose to my poor and sad existence.

fredag 5 april 2024

Reflections of my life.


Luke 9: 24
"Anyone who wants to save his life will lose it; but anyone who loses his life for my sake, will save it".

I must confese that I am changing and because of that I have been perceiving latent and deep feelings of nostalgia.
This is due to the fact that I am changing, but not only due to the passage of time and the accumulation of years of life, but above all due to the fact that I am changing as a result of the spiritual experience that has placed me on the front line of the events of this precise time.
It costs me an enormous amount to get rid of the most pleasant memories I have had in my life, which although there are not many,  but have been of enormous value in shaping my personality.
And it is because of this that I persist in maintaining as much as possible those feelings that on a social level have encouraged me to trust, despite everything, in someone who is good and who until now continues working so that human beings can pass from the current state in which it is found to a much better one.

Something totally mine and that I remember with great affection are my first years of childhood. I have already commented on something about this in other publications since it was at that age that I, in a completely natural way, "discovered" the presence of God.
Nowadays, and also as a result of the always latent effect of my spiritual experience, I have "discovered", also in the most natural way possible, the personal inclination of each human being that I have the opportunity to see.
It is something like a spontaneous reaction and of a strictly spiritual nature.
Even realizing that this blog, which over the years has become something tremendously dear to me, makes me feel sincerely nostalgic, knowing that it is also approaching its end.
It has been a complementary work that I wanted to share, especially with people willing to learn about other people's life experiences to enrich their own.
I thank all of them with all my heart for feeling some appreciation for the publication of this personal testimony.