tisdag 29 augusti 2023

Lessons of Life.

There is a very important reason that illuminates about the value of the spiritual experience, that as human beings we are in a position to come to perceive, accept and obtain some practical benefit because of it.
It is not an easy thing to explain this phenomenon, in the way that I myself have come to verify in this blog.
That is why Jesus used similitudes when he tried to explain to the people what it is or what it really means to be reached by the kingdom of God.
The main reason lies in the fact that it is an opening towards the title of this blog. That is to say towards: "The way to the Eternal Life".
And although many "believe" or suppose that it is an unreality, the truth is that it is a phenomenon that is working in the historical practice of the present humanity.
To this is due the fact that these days in today's world, there is a personal testimony like the one I have felt the responsibility to make public through this blog and my literary essay: "The Spiritual Factor."
And as a testimony I must honestly and frankly recognize the very high practical value that comes from perceiving the beneficial effect of having this special type of life experience.
I repeat that it is not easy to explain in detail how and why it happens, although I must admit that I understand what its real purpose is.
By way of illustration I want to say that I feel enormous sadness when I see myself and all the other people, how we continue to disappear or continue to wear out our vital energies with the passage of time.
This is not unreality but the most absolute truth.
The kingdom of God points to the specific alternative of having a richer life experience and even going back to the immortality.
For the moment many of you will have to believe that this is only an illusion and this is where it comes to play a very important role to count, as in my personal case, with testimonies that confirm that all this is not any fantasy or human aspiration, but that it is something that has already been established in the laws that govern everything that exists.
By way of illustration, I want to make a comparison between the transformation process currently underway in the entire planet, with the one that human beings have been offered to get out of the present state of energetic waste that culminates in the inexorable death of our bodies. 
They are two things that go hand in hand and although for the moment we are halfway through this whole process, I would say legal and existential, only the facts will have to confirm what will be the true end of this whole story.
Of course, all this must be shocking and inexplicable for the vast majority and that is due to the fact that it is something totally new and that it thoroughly shakes the deceptive "normality" that we have had for thousands of years.
Jesus of Nazareth, who with his mission as the savior of humanity has enabled me to be a witness of the current event and what is to come later, tried to explain the situation that we are going through now and after more than 2,000 years, and he did so even in great detail.
Unfortunately there are few people who have achieved discernment to everything that his Gospel refers to.
For those of us who have in some way or another come to confirm the veracity of the Nazarene, it is easy for us to understand what some of his similarities really mean.
Here are two of them:
Matthew 13: 44
"The kingdom of Heaven is like treasure hidden in a field which someone has found;  he hides it again, goes off in his joy, sells everything he owns and buys the field".
Matthew 13: 45-46
"Again, the kingdom of Heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls; when he finds one of great value he goes and sells everything he owns and buys it".
Of course it is about having access to the most valuable of all; to the life-giving, unlimited, invisible and invincible Power.
Such Power is perceived in its actions within the totality of the human body and in the teaching that one accumulates about the multiple and complex functions of everything that constitutes each person.
The experience itself is tremendously complicated and often annoying, but after each of the achievements that one obtains, one feels the satisfaction of being a part of this incomparable experience.
I have already said it before but I want to end this new publication reiterating that the way to the Eternal Life is a constant collection of lessons about the Power, Wisdom and Justice of the most valuable of all, the Life or the existence.

måndag 21 augusti 2023



Before commenting on the current state of the world I want to confess that up to now, the spiritual experience of which I testify in this blog has been something totally spontaneous, surprising and of a purely personal or individual nature.
Until now I am still learning, I would say a little bit of everything, although in the purely spiritual sphere I have come to confirm that it is something extremely difficult to perceive, understand and of course to explain.
It is only the time that will reveal details about this that up to now continues to be, to a certain extent, incomprehensible.
Because of this, it is so difficult for many to understand or come up with an explanation about the tremendous phenomenon that is occurring with the powers of the nature of this planet.
The facts are speaking eloquently with each passing day and highlighting the critical state in which the present humanity and everything in the world find themselves.
And all this occurs precisely at the time when the human being continues to search for his own way how face the march of the time and the continuity of the facts that the greatest phenomenon of all, that of the Life, is exposing to all of us.
Something does not agree and I dare to say that it is due to an incompatibility between the life-giving Power and the human being who continues to govern the Earth to this day.
It is a conflict of interests that is clearly reflected in the present social relations and that due to its seriousness needs a solution, painful perhaps but totally necessary.
That is what the present alteration of the functions of all the powers of nature that make up the ecological system of the Earth points to.
The Power of the Life is a continuity of facts whose purpose is to achieve a specific objective, goal or destination.
This is how it has been, it is right now and will continue to be, despite the thousands of years that have already elapsed, despite the delicate situation in which the humanity currently finds itself and what will result later on. I would dare to say: "once the storm passes."
No one can now explain what this "storm" brings with it, since the alternatives are various and can end in a total catastrophe worldwide.
What I dare to assure you from now on is that despite everything, the Life will continue on its way, although today  we do not have the slightest idea how it will glorify finally its excellent Power, Wisdom and Justice.

onsdag 16 augusti 2023

In the middle of the road.

Not having anything more important to do, I continue advancing for what my spiritual experience continues to grant me up to now.
I am, so to speak, in the middle of the way that has been given to me, not only to solve my own existential state, but even more importantly, to contribute with the publication of this blog to a broader understanding of what the thinking eminences in the world expose, preach or deduce about everything.
Given this fact, I must reiterate once again that my spiritual experience is not due to my fidelity or belonging to any organization, be it ecclesiastical, philosophical or scientific.
It has been in the most natural way possible, due to the simple fact that my concerns, my desires and my feelings fully agree with those of Jesus of Nazareth, with those of the Father and with those of the Holy Spirit of Truth.
Even if I not had the opportunity to go through all this experience, my points of view and my feelings towards Life, towards Truth and towards Justice would have been the same, especially with regard to the humanity and its different forms of social coexistence.
And as a way of highlighting what I have wanted to clarify even more on this occasion, I must add one of the most important things, according to the clear human mentality.
With this simple blog I have not wanted in any way to do business with what I publish and I expect no economic reward for the execution of what I call my volunteer work.
I have invested and from my own savings an enormous amount of money during this long period of publications and it has only been my stubborn attitude of sharing with others what I have learned, which has prompted me to keep this activity, latent and updated, according to the events that continue to happen around the world.
At this point in my poor and sad personal experience of life, I have come to perceive, not quite clearly and permanently, but in a way that has sincerely amazed me, the effects of feeling that faith come true little by little and only when I am halfway to the Eternal Life.

Genesis 6: 5-7
"Yahwew saw that human wickedness was great on earth and in their heart people contrived nothing but wiched schemes all day long. Yahweh regretted having made human beings on earth and was grieved at heart. And Yahweh said, I shall rid the surface of the earth of the human beings whom I created, human and animals, the creeping things and the birds of heaven, for I regret having made them".
Genesis 8: 21-22
"Never again will I curse the earth because of human beings, because their heart contrives evil from their infancy. Never again will I strike down every living thing as I have done.
As long as earth endures: seed time and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease".

John 3: 18-21
"No one who believes in him will be judged; but whoever does not believe is judged already, because that person does not believe in the name of God's only Son
And the judgement is this: though the light has come into the world people have preferred darkness to the light because their deeds were evil.
And indeed, everybody who does wrong hates the light and avoids it, to prevent his actions from being shown up; but whoever does the truth comes out into the light, so that what he is doing may plainly appear as done in God".

måndag 7 augusti 2023


Today's comment is one of the most important regarding my personal life experience and the spiritual experience that I wanted to highlight in this simple blog.
Beyond everything that I have commented, clarified and revealed up to now, I must add something that affects me greatly and certainly the entire world.
It is about the immense wisdom that reflects everything that exists and that, as I have repeated many times, is based on a set of laws that are exactly fulfilled, not only here on Earth but throughout the entire universe.
I think it is not necessary to express something again regarding the tremendous transformation that the planet is undergoing in its total integrity and with all the elements that are involved in it.
Of course, all this has already begun to seriously worry many people, although very few are able to perceive the repercussions that this phenomenon has already begun to exert on human nature itself, including its highest achievement, the brain activity.
Always taking my own life experience into consideration, I must confess that this is something that I have been able to verify, not with calm and serenity as I would have liked it to be, but rather with great surprise, dismay and even a bit of panic the last few days.
And I have managed to slowly understand why such a state of concern is due.
As we all know, changes are not always pleasant and easy to bear, but often cause unpleasant discomfort.
The laws that govern the life of everything that exists on this planet are firmly registered in the memory, especially of the human being who is the one who until now has the sovereignty over the Earth.
For this reason it is somewhat shocking to see that the normality of life to which we have been accustomed in recent millennia is shaking practically everything that up to this day we have considered, precisely as normal and even unalterable.
Personally, I have a spiritual experience that, long before it really began, revealed to me this phenomenon that has been occurring in recent decades with the powers of the nature.
Despite this, I have always been curious to understand in detail all this that is happening now, including of course what concerns the objective of my own spiritual experience.
And what I have come to see in these moments is the terrible dilemma that results from being present in this current world, but having already known in advance what it means to know and walk in the way that leads to a life without limits, which is precisely what justifies the final objective of everything that the present transformation brings with it.

John 16:33
"I have told you all this so that you may find peace in me.
In the world you will have hardship, but be courageous: I have conquered the world".

John 17:
"I am no longer in the world, but they are in the world, and I coming to you.
Holy father, keep those you have given me true to your name, so they may be one like us".
" I am not asking you to remove them from the world, but to protect them from the evil ".

tisdag 1 augusti 2023

Lose or win.


Luke 9: 24-26
"Anyone who wants to save his life will lose it; but anyone who loses his life for my sake, will save it.
What benefitis it to anyone to win the whole world and forfeit or lose his very self?
For if anyone is ashamed of me and of my words, of him the Son of man will be ashamed when he comes in his own glory and in the glory of the Father and the holy angels".

John 12: 25
"Anyone who loves his life loses it; anyone who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life".

Luke 20: 34-36
"The children of this world take wives and husbands, but those who are judged worthy of a place in the other world and in the resurrection from the dead do not marry, because they can no longer die, for they are the same as the angels and being children of the resurrection they are children of God".