tisdag 30 april 2024

Trying to solve the questions.


Today I will continue to try to solve enigmas and questions that to this day are hindering my progress along the way that I bear witness to in this blog.
It is very useful for me to do so, because when I find the solutions or solve the questions, I continue to confirm and trust in the value and importance of an experience like the one I have had the opportunity to get to know.
Something that amazes me on the one hand and worries me on the other, is to verify the tremendous difference between the Spirit that was awakened in me more than 50 years ago and the fullness of my body, mind and soul.
These are two things that go their separate ways, but they encourage me to find a common denominator in them.
As in many other things, I believe that it is the time factor that so far continues to exercise power and dominion over all that exists, except for the strictly spiritual nature.
It gives me the impression that something is still missing that must happen, at least in my own person, before reaching the final goal of total and definitive integration.
And this of course disturbs me and particularly affects my brain activity.
I say this on the basis of the fact that since early childhood I have been unfit in that sense and that is notoriously affecting much of the perception of my own body.

Something quite remarkable that happened on the night of the day of my spiritual experience, was to go through something like a mixture between sleep and nightmare, after having been guided through the scriptures by the Spirit of Wisdom for several hours.
It was something like a sequence of various faces relating to my person and the most transcendent things, happened or to happen in the framework of the time factor.
I have managed to understand some of those faces, although there is one in particular that has had a negative impact on my entire experience to this day.
Only that sequence appeared, not in color but somewhat diffuse and in black and white.
The most surprising thing is the fact that what this particular sequence meant, I came to understand and verify in my body, but forty years later and since then it has been in full activity trying by all means to wear down my organic energy.

It caught my attention the day it happened and it continues to catch my attention until this very moment when, thanks to the company and advice of the Holy Spirit of Truth, I have come to discern what it is and the cause of it.
It is something intimately linked to the present state in which the human race finds itself and whose origin only God knows, although in one way or another He has wanted to teach us about it, but as long as we first learn to recognize His Voice and His advice
This whole phenomenon is so complicated, in such a way that it does not give rise to explanations or clarifications.
It is something that each individual in particular must come to "know" so that they can go from the current state in which we find ourselves to a truly much better one.

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