onsdag 17 maj 2023

Signs of the time.

It is difficult to find a common denominator to these three points that I have summarised like specific symptoms that characterise the present state of the world, although to tell the truth, one certain good exists.
The three are indicating the term of an era and the approach or coming of a new time that brings with itself radical transformations in all order of things

1.- The return of the people of Israel
The return of Israel’s people to its old territories is one of the signals most characteristic of this time. This people are associated immediately with religion and therefore with God, and this fact has a great importance for the rest of the national groups of the entire world. They have also own historical experiences, traditions and doctrines, in this order of things.

2.- The Nature
The whole planet is feeling the weight to the brutal treatment that the human being has conferred to it during a long time. And now it is reacting with violence, in the form of climatic changes, volcanic activity, floods, storms, tornadoes, and an enormous amount of other phenomena that are not so easy to appreciate, but that in their totality signify considerable alterations in the ecological system of the planet.

3.- Technology, politics and economy
These three typical factors of the present time have taken the total commando over all type of human activity on the Earth, imposing a terror and consternation climate to the humblest and defenceless from the existing civilization.
Measures and determinations in all scope of things, mean an enormous deterioration of the conditions of life of a great majority, an unemployment that only increases, problems of health, delinquency, war and armed conflicts of all type and much more.

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