lördag 2 mars 2024



Continuing with my desire to solve enigmas and questions, today I want to return to what I consider most relevant of all. I am referring to the coming of Jesus of Nazareth to the Earth and his "presence" at the end of time.
One of my first posts in this blog had the same title as today, that is to say, "Stronger."
On that occasion I was commenting on a documentary that appeared on the Internet and that tried to demonstrate that both Christianity and Jesus himself were nothing more than copies of ancient "myths" from various old civilizations.
The fact is that human beings can and have at their mental disposal the possibility of affirming even the most absurd and meaningless things.
But at the same time he has a series of senses that can considerably increase his capacity for deduction and grant him a broader and more solid understanding about everything that he would like to have absolute certainty about.
However, and this is something that I repeat again, the human mind, because it is the last achievement that has been added to the human being, is in reality the most complex work of all of existence and is still in the process of its definitive consolidation. 
For this to happen there must be a simple but very delicate operation and this is where the coming of Jesus to earth and even more so, his resurrection from the dead comes to play a decisive role.
Ultimately, it is about resolving the issue of trust or credibility in the communication between human beings and more important yet, the communication between human and his Creator.
The existence of God and his claim to be the Creator of all that exists is ratified precisely in the resurrection of Jesus and is transferred through the "word" or the Spirit from person to person, to everyone who "believes", trusts or has obtained the assurance of the existence of the resurrected Jesus.
This way can we obtain evidence that the liar is not God but the human and the motive to act this way laids in the incompleted human brain activity that has been limited due the lack of information about its own performance and even much more about his Creator.

It could be said and without exaggeration that the human being trust much more in his own mental capacity than in the existence of someone who is more intelligent and capable of obtain more and better achievements than himself thinks he is in a position to do.
Such a belief causes him an even greater problem, because the brain structure being almost the same in each of the human beings, the mental reactions are usually totally different from one to another, due to a large number of factors, implicit in the human body itself, as well as in the environment and the circumstances pertinent to the time of its existence.
And this is something that is clearly intended to be demonstrated at this point in the history of humanity, with the implementation of a technology that considerably multiplies what has been known about brain functions to this moment.
The result so far is that this technology is creating new and bigger problems worldwide, because instead of solving difficulties in the social sphere, it is creating more and more complicated situations.

The most important thing about all this that I have wanted to comment today is the fact that the fundamental issue for us human beings, does not lies only in what we think and how we can use our mental resources more carefully, but in the degree of relevance that has the human brain in the quality of existence of each of us.
We all know that we have the days counted in life and this I have already described it as the most serious and powerful of all hereditary diseases that affect us so far and that despite the millennia, it still exerts its dominance relentlessly.
Through the resurrection of Jesus, the magnificent power of life has achieved the appropriate medicine or treatment to combat, once and for all, the uselessness of the death in humans and thus finalize the work of shape the human being, in the image and likeness of its Creator.
Thanks to that medicine is that I am still giving testimony in this blog, and I can assure you that day after day I feel me much more stronger, not only in Spirit (medicine), but also in Truth.

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