torsdag 9 mars 2023

Updating the way.

It has been my own will to witness on the Internet about the way to the eternal life and this is because I have a spiritual experience that to this day continues to teach me about what that really is.
Unfortunately I have not had the welcome that I expected, from those who have been lucky enough to find this blog and this is due, among many other things, to the fact that many "believe" to have a clear understanding of what the scriptures are about, especially those related to Jesus, his gospel, his prophecies, his mission and his promises.
The fact is that one thing is the scriptures and another very different is to personally verify this risen Jesus and obtain, thanks to his help, access to the way to the eternal life, although immersed in the present human reality of the world today.
To all those people who suppose to have a clear understanding of what is called the end of the world, the final judgment, the second coming of Jesus, the resurrection of the dead, the kingdom of God and of course the eternal life, I would recommend that you examine very carefully the texts that refer to these things, because I myself have come to verify that until this last time and due to the state of health in which I am, I had never before realized the meaning of many of those things that Jesus tried to explain to the people, but more than two thousand years ago.
By all this I mean that the time has come to update the way, because the present circumstances in the world demand it, before it is too late.

John 11:25
"I am the resurrection.
Anyone who believes in me, even thoguh that person dies, will live, and whoever lives and believes in me will never die".

John 6:40
"It is my Father's will that whoever sees the Son and believes in him should have eternal life, and that I should raise that person up on the last day".

onsdag 1 mars 2023

So far.

So far.
My activity in this blog has begun to decrease due to the fact that I find myself assimilating the effects of the spiritual experience, of which I wanted to bear witness inside the Internet, in a time quite unstable and definitely uncertain for the vast majority.
I myself have been doubting and worrying about the things that are happening and those that will come later.  
Personally, the only thing that is clear to me and that I can affirm is in full force is the revelation that was granted to me on the day of my spiritual experience.
And that revelation, that of course is contained in the scriptures and confirmed in the teachings of Jesus, is about what is called: the end of the times.
In other words, about the considerable activity into which all the elements that make up the nature of the earth have entered.
And this happens as the last alternative to give a new order to everything that happens on this planet, due to the simple fact that so far things have not improved, but quite the opposite.
My confidence is full and absolute in the one who granted me that revelation, for its veracity, wisdom and justice and this humble blog reflects my sincere gratitude to those who are still working to vindicate the honor and glory of the human being and his creator.

Daniel 12: 9-10
"These words are to remain secret and sealed until the time of the end
Many will be cleansed, made white and purged; the wicked will persist in doing wrong; the wicked will never understand; those who are wise will understand."

Isaiah 26: 20-21
"Go, my people, go to your private room, shut yourselves in.
Hide yourselves a little while until the retribution has pased.
For see, Yahweh emerges from his dwelling to punish the inhabitants of earth for their guilt; and the earth will reveal the blood shed on it and no longer hide its slain".

måndag 6 februari 2023

Satisfecho - Satisfied - Nöjd.

Esta es una edición totalmente personal dedicada mayormente a mi querida hija Claudia Fabiola en Chile y a toda su familia.
Esto lo puedo hacer gracias a la bondad infinita de quienes sostienen mi presencia en este mundo, nada más ni nada menos que para dar testimonio de lo que se me ha enseñado, respecto al acontecer de este preciso tiempo y en virtud de las circunstancias que predominan el mundo actual.
Doy gracias por el simple hecho de que a mi querida hija, Dios le ha concedido la gran misión de servirme de consuelo en este mundo y de nexo, por así decirlo, entre el cielo y la tierra.
No tan sólo por esto me siento plenamente satisfecho, sino que ante todo totalmente satisfecho con todo lo que hasta ahora ha significado mi experiencia espiritual.
Es algo ante lo cual no tengo palabras como para expresar mi asombro y admiración ante tanto poder, sabiduría, justicia y benignidad implícitos en la obra de redención de la humanidad, concedida por nuestro Padre Celestial a Jesús de Nazareth.
Mi testimonio ha sido casi en vano, lo cual por supuesto no tiene para mí mayor importancia. Lo que si me hiere y lo lamento en el alma, es la casi total ignorancia reinante en el mundo acerca de Dios y del Nazareno.
Eso es algo que de ninguna manera lo imaginaba o me lo esperaba.
He intentado por todos los medios ser lo más claro posible, respecto a un montón de asuntos a los cuales he hecho referencia en este blog, aunque al final debo reconocer que no son más de 3 a 4 personas en el mundo entero que algo han logrado entender de lo que he estado publicando por más de 10 años en este blog.
A pesar de todo, me siento satisfecho con lo que para mi personalmente ha significado el estar trabajando en este blog, ya que de esa manera he podido poner en evidencia lo mucho que se me ha concedido espiritualmente y para ser compartido por quienes así sientan la necesidad de aceptarlo.
Finalmente me siento satisfecho con la pequeña ciudad de Ronneby, en el sur de Suecia. Es aquí donde he estado viviendo desde 1978, año en que llegué a este lugar para continuar por el camino hacia la vida eterna.

This is a totally personal edition dedicated mostly to my dear daughter Claudia Fabiola in Chile and her whole family.
This I can do thanks to the infinite goodness of those who hold my presence in this world, nothing more and nothing less than to bear witness to what I have been taught, regarding the events of this precise time and by virtue of the circumstances that predominate the current world.
I give thanks for the simple fact that God has given my dear daughter the great mission of comforting me in this world and as a link, so to speak, between heaven and earth.
Not only for this I feel fully satisfied, but above all totally satisfied with all that my spiritual experience has meant so far.
It is something to which I have no words to express my astonishment and admiration at so much power, wisdom, justice and kindness implicit in the work of redemption of humanity, granted by our Heavenly Father to Jesus of Nazareth.
My testimony has been almost in vain, which of course is of no greater importance to me. What does hurt me and I regret in my soul is the almost total ignorance prevailing in the world about God and the Nazarene.
That’s something I didn’t in any way imagine or expected.
I have tried by all means to be as clear as possible, regarding a lot of issues to which I have referred in this blog, although in the end I must admit that there are no more than 3 to 4 people in the whole world who have managed to understand what I have been publishing for more than 10 years in this blog.
In spite of everything, I feel satisfied with what it has meant for me personally to be working on this blog, since in that way I have been able to show how much has been granted to me spiritually and to be shared by those who feel the need to accept it.
Finally I feel satisfied with the small town of Ronneby, in southern Sweden. It is here where I have been living since 1978, the year I arrived at this place to continue the way to the eternal life.

Detta är en helt personlig utgåva som mestadels till min kära dotter Claudia Fabiola i Chile och hela familjen.
Detta kan jag göra tack vare den oändliga godheten hos dem som håller min närvaro i denna värld, inget mer och inget mindre än att vittna om vad jag har lärt mig, när det gäller händelserna i denna exakta tid och i kraft av de omständigheter som dominerar den nuvarande världen.
Jag tackar för det enkla faktumet att Gud har gett min kära dotter det stora uppdraget att trösta mig i denna värld och som en länk, så att säga, mellan himmel och jord.
Inte bara för detta känner jag mig helt nöjd, utan framför allt helt nöjd med allt som min andliga upplevelse hittills har inneburit.
Det är något som jag inte har några ord för att uttrycka min förvåning och beundran med så mycket makt, visdom, rättvisa och vänlighet implicit i arbetet med förlösning av mänskligheten, beviljat av vår Himmelske Fader till Jesus från Nazareth.
Mitt vittnesbörd har varit nästan förgäves, vilket naturligtvis inte har någon större betydelse för mig. Det som sårar mig och jag ångrar det i min själ, är den nästan totala okunnighet som råder i världen om Gud och Jesus.
Det är något som jag inte på något sätt föreställt mig eller förväntat mig.
Jag har försökt med alla medel att vara så tydlig som möjligt när det gäller många frågor som jag har hänvisat till i den här bloggen, även om jag i slutändan måste erkänna att det inte finns mer än 3 till 4 personer i hela världen som har lyckats förstå vad jag har publicerat i mer än 10 år i den här bloggen.
Trots allt känner jag mig nöjd med vad det har betytt för mig personligen att arbeta med den här bloggen, eftersom jag på det sättet har kunnat visa hur mycket jag har beviljats andligt och att delas av dem som känner behov av att acceptera det.
Slutligen känner jag mig nöjd med den lilla staden Ronneby, i södra Sverige. Det är här jag har bott sedan 1978, året jag anlände till denna plats för att fortsätta vägen till det eviga livet.

tisdag 31 januari 2023

Learning to live.

God exists, due to the inescapable need that we human beings have to be informed or taught, about this existential immensity in which we are present and above all, about what we really are and how we are expected to act and react.
If the help that we have had to this day did not exist, we would have already disappeared millions of years ago, in the comparative way that occurred with the dinosaurs.
Therefore, my dear friends, it would be appropriate, even though we are currently on the verge of chaos and disintegration, to seriously and honestly reconsider our conceptions and understandings that we have made under thousands of years, regarding God and the place it holds in the universal existence.
In my personal case, it has been thanks to the mission granted to Jesus of Nazareth that I have had the privilege of being able to verify and confirm the things that I comment here in this blog.
The way to the Eternal Life, I could  therefore synthesize as a continuous and permanent advance that obeys to a very highly qualified process of teaching and learning, nothing more and nothing less than about the life, for the simple fact of being within its territory, within its domain and its laws. Because God is the life, the Eternal Life.

John 6:45
"No one can come to me unless drawn by the Father who sent me and I will raise that person up on the last day.
It is written in the prophets: They will all be taught by God; everyone who has listened to the Father and learn from him, comes to me".

John 14:25-26
"I have said these things to you while still with you; but the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name; will teach you everything and remind you of all I have said to you".

onsdag 25 januari 2023

Take it easy!

Take it easy!

No one can deny that we are living in a rather turbulent and unstable time.
That is why I wanted to share with you, my dear friends, this tremendously valuable advice these days.
Don't worry too much and take it easy. Remember that the more you worry, the more you weaken your physical and mental integrity and hence your organic defense.
One of the things that is not discussed in today's news channels is the tremendous impact that the current world situation is having on people's mental health.
And this is due, among many other things, to the fact that despite all the technical and electronic advances of this time, we still have a long way to go to get to know how our human nature works and, especially, our mental activity.
This has a secret quite unknown to us and is located in the most interior part of the current human brain.
That is why their reactions and hence their symptoms go almost unnoticed by ourselves.
It strongly influences our mood and has the power to influence our own will.
All of this that I am now commenting on is something that I myself have gone through and because of it, with spiritual help, I have been able to learn how to enter into perception and correction of that vital part of our bodies.
Don't worry too much and take it easy. There is still a lot to happen on Earth and we need to save energy to be able to face the diversity of phenomena that are already occurring and those that will come later.

John 14: 27
"Peace I bequeath to you,, my own peace I give you, a peace which the world cannot give, this is my gift to you.
Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid".

Matthew 24: 13
"But anyone who stands firm to the end will be saved".

fredag 20 januari 2023

The natural way.

The natural way.

The way to the eternal life is not a fantasy of me, nor any insane idea that has occurred to a human being.
It is information contained in the story of the creation of man on Earth and explicit in the Genesis of Scriptures.
In that writing, the entire creative process is mentioned that has made possible the appearance of human civilizations, during a period of thousands and thousands of years and mentions the current state of the human being, but at the same time grants indications of how and when things they must be consummated, due to a precise factor.
That factor is the lack of suitability of the human being to govern the planet from which he was created and even lack of tino to take control of his own personal integrity.
All this is due to the fact that the One who has enabled the existence of everything, has done so based on a very well  arranged implementation of laws that govern, from the largest to the smallest. From the most visible to the human eye and even to the most hidden of the invisible.
That is the natural way through which everything existing has had to go to finally take its position in the entire creation.
The human being has had certain aids so that he can establish life systems on the planet, although he does not have the understanding of the entire range of laws that govern absolutely everything.
For that, it needs a very special help that also as a law has been arranged in advance and so that it is fulfilled in due time.
That is the goal towards which and by the absolutely natural way, we are approaching.

Psalm 8:
"Yahweh our Lord, how majestic is your name throughout the world!
Whoever keeps singing of your majesty higher than the heavens, even through the mouths of children, or of babes in arms, you make him a fortress, firm against your foes, to subdue the enemy and the rebel.
I look up at your heavens, shaped by your fingers, at the moon and the stars youn set firm- what are human beings that you spare a thought for them, or the child of Adam that you care for him?
Yet you have made him little less than a god, you have crowned him with glory and beauty, made him lord of the works of your hands, put all things under his feet, sheep and cattle, all of them, and even the wild beasts, birds in the sky, fish in the sea, when he makes his way across the ocean.
Yahweh our Lord, how majestic your name throughout the world!"

John 1:17
"John witnesses to him. He proclaims: "This is the one of whom I said: He who comes after me has passed ahead of me because he existed before me"
Indeed, from his fullness we have all of us received one gift replacing another, for the Law was given through Moses, grace and truth have come through Jesus Christ.
No one has ever seen God; it is the only Son, who is close to the Father´s heart, who has made him known".

söndag 15 januari 2023

Body, mind, soul and spirit.


So much time has passed up to now, that we no longer count as something possible to be able to experience another life system different from the one we already know and which consists, as we all know very well, of doing or practicing everything that is possible for a limited time and then disappear forever.
Eternal life has turned out to be simply a hoax and there is someone responsible for this. 
This is not the spirit within us, nor the soul, nor the human body that we have. 
The guilty is "something" that is deceiving us all the time, usually without us noticing, since this "something" is nothing more than an energy that is generated and fed by the entire human being, without it being a part of it.
What are we going to call this “something”, is an issue really complicated. 
The only thing we know is that it is the one who creates "stories", lies, slander, or rather: falsehood, unreality within us.
This "something" is like a parasite, whose main task is to draw the attention to itself, thus preventing us from paying attention and trusting to what within us is the real driving force, that is to say, the spirit.
This struggle is glimpsed in the following text of what happened in the Garden of Eden:
"And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring. She is going to hit you on the head and yours is going to hurt her on the heel."
This quote is a "camouflaged" prophecy about the last confrontation that will take place on earth and that will finally free humanity from everything that enslaves or dominates it. 
This confrontation is also predicted in most traditions that refer, often in symbolic form, to the situation of humanity under present circumstances.
In almost all of these narratives there appear certain types of representations that identify the parties to the struggle. Light on one side and darkness on the other. The light that symbolizes wisdom, truth and life, and the darkness that represents the opposite, that is to say, ignorance, lies and death.

John 6:63
"It is the spirit that gives life, the flesh has nothing to offer.
The words I have spoken to you are spirit and they are life".

Mathew 26:41
"Stay awake and pray not to be put to the test. The spirit is willing enough, but human nature is weak".