onsdag 25 januari 2023

Take it easy!

Take it easy!

No one can deny that we are living in a rather turbulent and unstable time.
That is why I wanted to share with you, my dear friends, this tremendously valuable advice these days.
Don't worry too much and take it easy. Remember that the more you worry, the more you weaken your physical and mental integrity and hence your organic defense.
One of the things that is not discussed in today's news channels is the tremendous impact that the current world situation is having on people's mental health.
And this is due, among many other things, to the fact that despite all the technical and electronic advances of this time, we still have a long way to go to get to know how our human nature works and, especially, our mental activity.
This has a secret quite unknown to us and is located in the most interior part of the current human brain.
That is why their reactions and hence their symptoms go almost unnoticed by ourselves.
It strongly influences our mood and has the power to influence our own will.
All of this that I am now commenting on is something that I myself have gone through and because of it, with spiritual help, I have been able to learn how to enter into perception and correction of that vital part of our bodies.
Don't worry too much and take it easy. There is still a lot to happen on Earth and we need to save energy to be able to face the diversity of phenomena that are already occurring and those that will come later.

John 14: 27
"Peace I bequeath to you,, my own peace I give you, a peace which the world cannot give, this is my gift to you.
Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid".

Matthew 24: 13
"But anyone who stands firm to the end will be saved".

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