måndag 17 juni 2024

All the way.


With great sadness but satisfied with all the testimony that I have wanted to make public, I must point out that after more than 20 years on the Internet I already find it enough to gratefully repay all the mercy that has been shown to me, from  the resurrected Jesus in the first place and then from the Supreme Being and his Holy Spirit of Truth.
In this way I want to point out that the publication of this blog is coming to an end, although in no way the spiritual experience that continues to bring me strength, wisdom and an enormous amount of patience.
My final decision has been to stick with it along the entire way that has been shown to me., for the innumerable amount of benefits that are obtained, although I regret that there are so few people in the world who can confess something similar.
The cause lies in a lot of aberrations that exist in terms of the correct understanding of many things, something that I have been able to verify by having only one person in the world who, beyond having fully understood the complete text of my literary essay "The Spiritual Factor" was kind enough to contact me and exchange knowledge and information with me.

Many people have reacted in different ways to everything I have wanted to comment on, clarify and reveal, but I understand that it is something implicit in the current state in which we find ourselves as human beings.
And it is precisely in this piont that lies the value of having had the opportunity to get to know the precise way we count on, to sublimate our existence.
That is one of the things that I have most honestly desired all my life, witnessing so much misfortune and uselessness that affects humanity in its present state and that as time continues to pass, it has become worse every day.

The situation that humanity is going through is regrettable, even more so when things can get very much worse, according to what happens every day on the entire planet and in the face of which there is not the slightest sign of wanting to solve things in a sensible and mature way.
Finally I want to confess that all the work I have been doing on the Internet has been as a way of preparing the world for what has yet to happen and in accordance with what was revealed to me, almost 50 years ago.
I am referring to the intervention of the only Power that is in a position to stop the debauchery that is currently convulsing the people of the five continents.

torsdag 13 juni 2024

This is the fundamental basis of this blog.

This is the way and it's called

"Wisdom is a spirit friendly to humanity, though she will not let a blasphemer's words go unpunished; since God observes the very soul and accurately surveys the heart, listening to every word.
For the spirit of the Lord fills the world and that which holds everything together knows every word said.
No one who speaks what is wrong will go undetected, nor will avenging Justice pass by such a one.
For the schemes of the godless will be examined, and a report of his words will reach the Lord to convict him of his crimes.
There is a jealous ear that overhears everything, not even a murmur of complaint escapes it.
So beware of uttering frivolous complaints, restrain your tongue from finding fault; even what is said in secret has repercussions, and a lying mouth deals death to the soul.
Do not court death by the errors of your ways, nor invite destruction through the work of your hands.
For God did not make Death, he takes no pleasure in destroying the living.
To exist -- for this he created all things; the creatures of the world have health in them in them is no fatal poison, and Hades has no power over the world: for uprightness is immortal."
"Wisdom is brilliant, she never fades.
By those who love her, she is readily seen, by those who seek her, she is readily found.
She anticipates those who desire her by making herself known first.
Whoever gets up early to seek her will have no trouble but will find her sitting at the door.
Meditating on her is understanding in its perfect form, and anyone keeping awake for her will soon be free from care.
For she herself searches everywhere for those who are worthy of her, benevolently appearing to them on their ways, anticipating their every thought.
For wisdom begins with the sincere desire for instruction, care for instruction means loving her, loving her means keeping her laws, attention to her laws guarantees incorruptibility, and incorruptibility brings us near to God; the desire for wisdom thus leads to sovereignty.
If then thrones and sceptres delight you, monarchs of the nations, honour Wisdom, so that you may reign forever."

Thanks for your visit.
God be with you in Spirit and Truth.
Este es el camino y se llama:

"La Sabiduría es un espíritu amistoso destinado a la humanidad, aunque ella no dejará sin castigo las palabras de los injuriosos pues Dios observa hasta lo más íntimo ( Espíritu) y atentamente inspecciona los corazones, escuchando hasta la menor palabra.                     
Pues el Espíritu de Dios llena toda la tierra, y Aquél que mantiene unido todo lo que existe conoce toda palabra dicha. Nadie que hable lo que es malo pasará inadvertido, ni tampoco pasará por alto la Justicia vengativa o revanchista. Pues, los planes del insensato serán descubiertos y un informe sobre sus palabras llegará hasta el Supremo para condenarlo por sus crimenes.
Hay un oído atento que todo lo escucha, ni siquiera un murmullo de queja se le escapa. Así es que, evita pronunciar quejas descuidadas, frena tu boca de deducciones equivocadas; incluso lo que se dice en secreto trae consecuencias, y los labios mentirosos le conceden sólo muerte al alma.
No busques la muerte con los errores de tus caminos, ni tampoco invites a la destrucción por medio del trabajo de tus manos.
Pues Dios no ha creado la Muerte. Él no se place en destruir lo que está vivo.
Para que existan -- por ese motivo creó El todas las cosas; las creaturas del mundo se complacen en ellas, ya que en ellas no existe ningún veneno mortífero, y el Reino de la Muerte no es el que gobierna al mundo: pues la justicia es Inmortal." 
”La sabiduría es brillante, no se marchita jamás.
Para quienes la aman es ella fácil de llevar, para quienes la buscan es ella fácil de encontrar.
Ella siempre se anticipa a quienes la desean och se da a conocer voluntariamente.
Cualquiera que la busque a temprana edad no va a tener ningún tipo de problemas sino que la va a encontrar dispuesta de antemano.
Meditar en su compañía es entendimiento perfecto,y todo aquél que la retiene consigo se quita de encima todo tipo de preocupaciones.
Pues por sí misma busca ella por todos lados aquello que sea de beneficio para quienes la cuidan, siempre disponible en todo tipo de quehaceres, de antemano preparada para ayudar a estos. Pues, la sabiduría empieza con el deseo sincero de tener su instrucción, la necesidad de instrucción es lo mismo que amar la sabiduría, amarla significa atenerse a sus consejos, seguir sus consejos garantiza incorruptibilidad, y la incorruptibilidad nos acerca a Dios; desear la sabiduría conduce por lo tanto a la libertad.
Ya que es poder y dominio lo que a ustedes les satisface, gobernantes del mundo, honren la sabiduría, para que puedan gobernar para siempre”.

Gracias por vuestra visita.
Dios esté con ustedes en Espíritu y en Verdad.

onsdag 22 maj 2024

Little by little.

Little by little or in slow motion, what will be the final destiny of this planet and of the present humanity continues to approach.
It is something that cannot be ignored or unknown, even for those who are absolutely convinced that God does not exist and that it is most likely that other civilizations exist somewhere in the Universe.
I say that no one can ignore it since the evidences about an ecological renewal is becoming increasingly clear and in many ways and throughout the entire world.
The people who doubt this are precisely those who allow themselves to be deceived by the speed and intensity of the phenomena that are occurring daily here on Earth.
They are the people who would like to contemplate this immense work that is in action, but in the Hollywood way and without taking into account at all that it is something that sooner or later will affect each of the human beings present in the world today. And that takes its time.

In my personal case occurs something similar to what happens on the entire planet. Little by little or in slow motion I continue to advance in a better and more perfect perception of what the totality of my person really is, although I must recognize that the biggest obstacle continues to be the part of my brain that was damaged, 70 years ago. That is why it is so difficult to heal or repair it.
What I continue to learn, also in slow motion or little by little, is the extremely complex interaction of all the elements that make up the human nature, including of course the most complex and delicate of all, the human brain, that when not function in its proper manner gradually loses contact or perception of the entire body and that unfortunately culminates in the end with the most tragic of all, the death.
I am going to end this small comment by reiterating that everything I explain in this blog is based on my own personal experience and thanks to a spiritual experience that is teaching my brain the proper way to exist in a reality full of Power, Wisdom and Justice.

tisdag 30 april 2024

Trying to solve the questions.


Today I will continue to try to solve enigmas and questions that to this day are hindering my progress along the way that I bear witness to in this blog.
It is very useful for me to do so, because when I find the solutions or solve the questions, I continue to confirm and trust in the value and importance of an experience like the one I have had the opportunity to get to know.
Something that amazes me on the one hand and worries me on the other, is to verify the tremendous difference between the Spirit that was awakened in me more than 50 years ago and the fullness of my body, mind and soul.
These are two things that go their separate ways, but they encourage me to find a common denominator in them.
As in many other things, I believe that it is the time factor that so far continues to exercise power and dominion over all that exists, except for the strictly spiritual nature.
It gives me the impression that something is still missing that must happen, at least in my own person, before reaching the final goal of total and definitive integration.
And this of course disturbs me and particularly affects my brain activity.
I say this on the basis of the fact that since early childhood I have been unfit in that sense and that is notoriously affecting much of the perception of my own body.

Something quite remarkable that happened on the night of the day of my spiritual experience, was to go through something like a mixture between sleep and nightmare, after having been guided through the scriptures by the Spirit of Wisdom for several hours.
It was something like a sequence of various faces relating to my person and the most transcendent things, happened or to happen in the framework of the time factor.
I have managed to understand some of those faces, although there is one in particular that has had a negative impact on my entire experience to this day.
Only that sequence appeared, not in color but somewhat diffuse and in black and white.
The most surprising thing is the fact that what this particular sequence meant, I came to understand and verify in my body, but forty years later and since then it has been in full activity trying by all means to wear down my organic energy.

It caught my attention the day it happened and it continues to catch my attention until this very moment when, thanks to the company and advice of the Holy Spirit of Truth, I have come to discern what it is and the cause of it.
It is something intimately linked to the present state in which the human race finds itself and whose origin only God knows, although in one way or another He has wanted to teach us about it, but as long as we first learn to recognize His Voice and His advice
This whole phenomenon is so complicated, in such a way that it does not give rise to explanations or clarifications.
It is something that each individual in particular must come to "know" so that they can go from the current state in which we find ourselves to a truly much better one.

tisdag 23 april 2024

Homepage - Startsida - Portada.


As it is said in Castilian: "I care a cumin" what "scientific" lords, the famous "religions" of the world, the group of lawless that again has taken the economic control at the global level and the "clueless" who continue to maintain the climate of terror on Earth, think, say, or intend to do.
In the name of Jesus of Nazareth and the Holy Spirit of Truth I confirm that in the not too distant future, the Kingdom of God or Kingdom of Heaven will finally settling on the face of the Earth.

Som det sägs på kastilianska: "Jag bryr mig om en kummin" vad "vetenskapliga" herrar, de berömda "religionerna" i världen, de gruppen laglösa som återigen har tagit den ekonomiska kontrollen på global nivå och de "aningslösa" som fortsätter att upprätthålla terror klimatet på jorden, tänker, säger eller gör.
I Jesu från Nasaret namn och Sanningens Helige Ande bekräftar jag att inom en inte alltför avlägsen framtid kommer Guds rike eller himmelriket äntligen att lägga sig på denna planets yta.

Como se dice en castellano: "me importa un comino" lo que los señores "científicos", las famosas"religiones" del mundo, el grupo de desaforados que nuevamente ha tomado el control económico a nivel mundial y los "despistados" que siguen manteniendo el clima de terror sobre la tierra, piensen, digan o se propongan hacer.
En el nombre de Jesús de Nasaret y del Espíritu Santo de la Verdad doy testimonio de que dentro de un tiempo no muy lejano, el Reino de Dios o Reino de los Cielos habrá finalmente de establecerse sobre la faz de este planeta.

måndag 15 april 2024



It has been almost 50 years since my spiritual experience occurred and to this day I continue to learn, both from one and the other, thanks to the positive effect that this type of supernatural contact causes.
In any case, and this is something that I must also confess, sometimes I fall into a tremendous general malaise that of course confuses and depresses me.
The fact is that it is not only I who am advancing along the path that I was granted the privilege of getting to know.
It is the entire planet that is in the process of renewal and the fact of being present in this world means being exposed to the multiple circumstances that all this causes.
To all this we must add that the entire Universe is being affected by a definitive renewal and consequently this phenomenon is also affecting the Earth, although we do not realize it since these are forces or radiations that are totally invisible to the human eye.

Sometimes it becomes difficult to continue keeping alive the hope of being able to witness everything that has been promised.
For me personally, it is almost impossible to be able to confirm that death has to disappear definitively. This is due to the fact that these last 10 years I have gone through almost unbearable periods, due to intense activity within my entire body and which aims to rectify vital organic functions.
By perceiving these rectifications I have been realizing the multiple and sophisticated interactions of the different organs that make up the human being and I have been understanding little by little how much it has cost to create the living creature that we are.
Sometimes, people whom one knows or whom one simply admires, voluntarily or involuntarily, manage to encourage me to continue advancing along the path that I have been traveling and that I consider to be the only and the best alternative that I have, to give it a specific purpose to my poor and sad existence.

fredag 5 april 2024

Reflections of my life.


Luke 9: 24
"Anyone who wants to save his life will lose it; but anyone who loses his life for my sake, will save it".

I must confess that I am changing and because of that I have been perceiving latent and deep feelings of nostalgia.
This is due to the fact that I am changing, but not only due to the passage of time and the accumulation of years of life, but above all due to the fact that I am changing as a result of the spiritual experience that has placed me on the front line of the events of this precise time.
It costs me an enormous amount to get rid of the most pleasant memories I have had in my life, which although there are not many,  but have been of enormous value in shaping my personality.
And it is because of this that I persist in maintaining as much as possible those feelings that on a social level have encouraged me to trust, despite everything, in someone who is good and who until now continues working so that human beings can pass from the current state in which it is found to a much better one.

Something totally mine and that I remember with great affection are my first years of childhood. I have already commented on something about this in other publications since it was at that age that I, in a completely natural way, "discovered" the presence of God.
Nowadays, and also as a result of the always latent effect of my spiritual experience, I have "discovered", also in the most natural way possible, the personal inclination of each human being that I have the opportunity to see.
It is something like a spontaneous reaction and of a strictly spiritual nature.
Even realizing that this blog, which over the years has become something tremendously dear to me, makes me feel sincerely nostalgic, knowing that it is also approaching its end.
It has been a complementary work that I wanted to share, especially with people willing to learn about other people's life experiences to enrich their own.
I thank all of them with all my heart for feeling some appreciation for the publication of this personal testimony.

I regret having to continue advancing along this path, but almost in absolute loneliness. This kind of experience demands it and although I would like that you could walk by my side, I have to continue moving forward and with great sadness, without you.
Sorry baby, but you are my incentive to feel that I'm still alive.