söndag 23 juli 2023


There is a special episode in the life and works of Jesus of Nazareth that unfortunately has not been properly considered and I dare say, in accordance with my own life experience, that it is one of the most important things, with regard to the creation of the human being.
The biblical account expresses that after Jesus was baptized in the Jordan River, the Holy Spirit received in his baptism led him into the wilderness to be tested by Satan.
On several previous occasions I have already commented on this. Today I only want to emphasize the fact that it was precisely that meeting and the way it happened, that was counted as an ideal attribute for fulfilling the mission of savior of the humanity.
And that is due to the fact of demonstrating on that occasion the immense Power of the Spirit over matter and especially on the "gray matter" of the human being.
That is to say, of his greatest pride and that confers him the privileged place he has on earth.
The subsequent resurrection of Jesus is precisely the result of what happened in that encounter, since it is only the Spirit who is able to bend death, the one that our ancestors have passed on to us hereditary over a period of thousands of years and up to the present.
Today I also want to emphasize that the renewal of the planet that today is evident in the eyes of the whole world also includes the renewal of the human mind and for many reasons.
The main of them is that this is the original goal for which the human being was created, that is to say, to bear the image and likeness of his progenitor.
What I must emphasize finally is the fact that this happens today also on earth, although no one can observe it as in the case of the multiple phenomena of the nature, since it happens in the innermost of each of the human beings who have trusted, not in themselves, but in the supreme Power.
And that experience I have had the opportunity to get to know personally and I must honestly confess that it is a titanic feat to be able to take control of one's multiple brain activities, but it is an imperative if we really want to change the course of the human race.

Romans 12: 2
"Do not model your behaviour on the contemporary world, but let the renewing of your mind transform you, so that you may discern for yourselves what is the will of God- what is good and acceptable and mature".

Hebrews 8: 10
"In theirs mind I shall plant my laws writing them on theirs hearts.
Then I shall be their God and they shall be my people.
There will be not further need for each to teach his neighbour and each his brother saying "Learn to know the Lord".
No, they will all know me, from the least to the greatest, since I shall forgive their guilt and never more call their sins to mind".

onsdag 12 juli 2023

My Way.


This blog is a personal testimony about a spiritual experience that has enabled me to clarify, comment and reveal multiple details of things that are not really clear in today's world.
The supreme value of this experience is that it has happened at this precise point in the history of humanity and therefore it is totally current and is related to the events that have occurred on this planet in recent decades, those that are currently in progress and those that are yet to come. 
Of course all this is very important, but I wanted to make these publications in my most personal way.
In this way I wanted to show that I am a human being like everyone else and therefore with personal interests that have encouraged me to continue with this voluntary work of a social nature.
All that accompanies my words are things that reveal the person that I am and I am happy to add them to the seriousness of the things that I regularly comment on.
In this way, I have also wanted to take a certain distance from the hitherto known ways of making references to the most serious and unintelligible topics for many.
Someone once taught me something very wise and that I always remember when I am working with each of my publications.
He has been the only person in the entire world who has understood one hundred percent the entire content of my literary essay "The Spiritual Factor." He once told me: "He who does not know or learn to see God, even in the most insignificant things, is because he still does not know him."
And that is what the way I have chosen to make my updates on this blog points to.
To reveal that the creator of all things is not only present in a certain place, but in everything that exists, because everything, even the most insignificant, belongs to him and has a specific reason for being or existing.

Acts: 6-8
"Now having met together, they asked him, "Lord, has the time come for you to restore the kingdom to Israel"?
He replied, "It is not for you to know times or dates that the Father has decided by his own authority, but you will receive the power of the Holy Spirit which will come on you and then you will be my witnesses not only in Jerusalem but throughout Judaea and Samaria and indeed to earth´s remotestend".

Matthew 24: 14
"This good news of the kingdom will be proclaimed to the whole world as evidence to the nations. And then the end will come".

torsdag 6 juli 2023

Stay calm.


The world is in these days highly convulsed and insecure, about the things that are really affecting the "normality" of life to which we were accustomed, until a few decades ago.
No one is unaware of the fact that the planet is feeling the effects of a profound transformation, and although many strive to understand what is the reason for this phenomenon, crowds from all continents have chosen to migrate to regions that they consider to be more secure, to survive the economic dictatorship that continues to offer uselessness, as a way of escape from the prevailing uncertainty at this point of the history.
Today I want to reiterate that although many people in the world have never gone through a spiritual experience, as in my case, for the simple fact of being honest people, very useful on the social plane and with a high sense of human fraternity, they must remain calm, regarding the things that still need to happen on this planet.
Neither the Earth nor humanity are doomed to disappear, but they have been warned that a radical change is absolutely necessary to pave the way to the original purpose that has been set for them.
And that is what we are in right now, although many do not understand it or want to realize that things are not as they seem to the human mind, but as something much wiser and more powerful that emits its messages and teachings through the laws imprinted in the elements that make up the nature of everything that exists.

James 5: 1-6
"Well now, you rich! Lament, weep for the miseries that are coming to you.
Your wealth is rotting, your clothes are all moth-eaten. All your gold and your silver are corroding away, and the same corrosion will be a witness against you and eat into your body.
It is like a fire which you have stored up for the final days
Can you hear crying out against you the wages which you kept back from the labourers moving your fields?
The cries of the reapers have reached the ears of the Lord Sabaoth.
On earth you have had a life of comfort and luxury; in the time of slaughter you went on eating to your heart' content.
It was you who condemmed the upright and killed them; they offered you no resistance".

Matthew 6: 19-21
"Do not store up treasures for yourselves on earth, where moth and woodworm destroy them and thieves can break in and steal.
But store up treasures for yourselves in heaven, where neither moth nor woodworm destroy them and thieves cannot break in and steal.
For wherever your treasure is, there will your heart be too".

torsdag 29 juni 2023

Weak and strong.

Today I want to comment on something that I find really surprising, considering that I am approaching 77 years of age and that after more than 20 years of voluntary work of personal testimony on the Internet, it has been leaving its traces.
From the day of my spiritual experience, which took place in 1974 and up to this day, I can clearly perceive what my physical person is, the purely mental and the animic, but at the same time the spiritual, the one that was awakened to the Life at that occasion.
With all the work of personal testimony, clarifications and revelations, spiritually I have felt more and more strengthened every day, so that until now I continue to learn from this experience to overcome my weaknesses.
But in order for this to get some positive result, I have had to permanently be attentive to the reactions of my brain activity, especially the part that was brutally damaged in my childhood.
With astonishment and a tremendous general discomfort, I must confess that I have been discovering the great amount of harmful repercussions that this tragic incident has left, from my bones to my skin.
It is a tremendous work, highly complicated and exhaustive, but it is possible to do it thanks to the colossal Wisdom of the greatest Power of all, that of the Life.
Another surprising thing with all this is the fact of verifying, on the one hand, the complex interaction of the elements that make up the human being and on the other, the limited potential that we have so far to restore or recover the health affected by multiple reasons.
That is to say, or in other words, before the Power of the Spirit I have come to feel, especially these last days, extremely weak, fragile and worn out above all by my stubborn attitude of wanting to feel healthy and without ailments of any kind of sickness, but as quickly as possible.
So far, the divine Grace has been enough for me and before it I feel eternally grateful.

Corinthians 1: 25
"God's folly is wiser than human wisdom and God's weakness is stronger than human strength".

Mathew : 5: 3
"How blessed are the poor in spirit; the kingdom of Heaven is theirs".

fredag 16 juni 2023

High tension.

High tension.
I'm sorry to have recently removed more than 300 posts that I had added to this blog, over a period of more or less 10 years. Now I realize that some of those posts reflected the real reason for having this blog, as the ideal medium to be able to bear witness to what I call "my personal spiritual experience."
Three of those publications were entitled "High Voltage" and in them I explained part of my personal experience that occurred before the military coup that affected Chile in 1973 and of course my professional career.
Alta Tension (High tension) was the name of a radio program that I was in charge of and in which I presented current music intertwined with comments that I made about the most current things of those years.
The connection of that program with this blog lies mainly in the fact that in both cases I have had no impediments of any kind to choose the topics that I wanted to comment on.
That is to say, or in other words, I have been given full freedom to refer to the things that I have considered most relevant.
One of the most extraordinary things that happened, shortly before the military coup of September 1973 in Chile, was the preparation of a radio drama that was to be broadcast later.
Such an event never occurred, since the topic of that radio drama was precisely about an alleged coup that "could happen" in Chile.
In other words, the fantasy became a reality and this is because the people who were in charge of preparing that program knew in advance that this fact was going to come true, since they treacherously worked for the political and economic powers that devised that military coup, but from outside the country.
I would dare to say that something similar is happening today, although at a much higher level, since it is not only about what happens with humanity, but with all existence at a universal level.
For more than 10 years, experiments have been carried out with a series of highly sophisticated techniques that have been implemented in the world with the sole aim of demonstrating what human intelligence is capable of achieving.
The fact is that it has been reaching the limits of not having any certainty about what such an implementation could cause to human survival itself.
Today I just want to remind all those people who are still excited to demonstrate their fabulous "creative" talents, that there is already someone who has reached the goal and who otherwise knows in advance, what human cunning is capable of trying to influence the universal order of existence.
High tension is still current and despite what can and will surely happen shortly, I want to express that according to what my spiritual experience has confirmed to me, there is a Power extremely superior to the purely human that is waiting its turn, for so to speak, to enter to exercise its sovereignty over the Earth.

Genesis 2: 1-4
"Thus heaven and earth were complented with all their array. On the seventh day God had completed the work  he had been doing. He rested on the seventh day after all the work he had been doing. 
God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on that day he rested after all his work of creating.
Such was the story of heaven and earth as they were created".

Matthew 24: 21-22
"For then there will be great distress, unparalleled since the world began and such as will never be again.
And if that time had not been shortened, no human being would have survived; but shortened that time shall be, for the sake of those who are chosen".

Revelation 21: 1-7
"Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth; the first heaven and the first earth had disappered now, and there was no longer any sea.
I saw the holy city, the new Jerusalem coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride dressed for her husband.
Then I heard a loud voice call from the throne, "Look, here God lives among human beings. He will make his home among them; they will be his people and he will be their God, God with them.
He will wipe away all tears from their eyes; there will be no more death and no more mourning or sadness or pain. The world of the past has gone".

lördag 3 juni 2023

The Tunnel of Time.


The Tunnel of Time.
We are not stagnant or retreating. We are moving in time towards what will ultimately turn out to be, especially for humanity.
Certainly many have wanted to precipitate things, so that they have been shortening, both time and distance and in many ways.
We are already observing an enormous amount of alterations in the social development and in such a way that it is already looking more like a science fiction movie than something real.
The most serious and senseless thing about all this is that it is practically forcing even the oldest to follow a course and at a speed to which we were not accustomed.
It gives the impression that there are people who feel pressured by the slowness of real life and the uncertainty of what may happen later.
And in the face of all this, there are few people who dare to react to the facts, although it must be recognized that there are already some who have begun to realize that instead of solving the difficulties of our human coexistence, they are actually becoming increasingly difficult and extremely dangerous.
Personally I have been going through the tunnel of time the last 40 years and that because of a spiritual experience that has confirmed to me the existence of something that will come to be consummated, but at the end of the tunnel of the time in which we are now.
I would dare say that the current state of technological advancement in the world is nothing more than a rude manner of equating or copying the authentic attributes of the spiritual nature that awaits us, just at the end of the present time.

Johm 3: 8
"The wind blows where it pleases; you can hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going.
So it is with everyone who is born of the

2 Corinthians 5:17
"So for anyone who is in Christ, there is a new creation: the old order is gone and a new being is there to see".


fredag 26 maj 2023

My humble counsel.

Everybody knows that the human being is extremely capable and mighty, but also extremely susceptible with what is most characteristic or typical human, the capacity to think.
I return again to one of the crucial question that I try to answer in this blogg.
How? What is what we must do?
My principal counsel is to try to pay attention to everything what is happening at the moment and at worldwide level, but without trying "to understand it" or to analyse it, but to feel it.
To leave the senses and the feelings speak to us and transmit theirs messages to us instead of our thoughts, since these last are those that at heart have made us be separated or removed of the pure reality.
We must once and for all recognise that we are dominated by our own reasoning and those of the society in general that we belong to, of such form that we do not leave the life circulates freely around all the living being that we are.
It is certain that we count on all this enormous thinking capacity, but like living beings we are in more dependency of the life than of all our ideas.
By the fact that we are alive, the life has provided us with something extremely more valuable than all our thoughts, namely, the spirit, something that very few human beings have got to be conscientious of it.
In order to obtain it, the life has disposed an operation that it is so simple, that the majority never has been able to experience for just that reason.
It treats to be or to reach the same wave or frequency of the life.
This seems at first sight to be something very simple but at heart it is something very valuable and significant. Because one need to abandon, at least during a moment, the own understanding and valuation of the things that one has, to pay attention to another one, that in this one precise case it is the life or the purest reality.
This abandonment I assigned, represents at heart a confidence crossing and therefore an opening towards something or somebody that one have a little affection.
I speak permanently in terms of life, since it is the life the one that at the moment we perceive like in a state of insecurity and uncertainty.
It is finally with the life with which we must be reconciled. Since until this one moment we have been "living" on illusions and thoughts, ideas and fantasias and have been deceived of this one way by the things that are not real and do not have any power to give life to someone.
The fact that until this moment we have not been able to find the answers to our more serious questions must to the simply fact that the way that we have taken with this one objective is not the appropriate one.
For that reason it is of absolute urgency for us, to finish once and for all with the "symbols" and the representations and to begin to rely on the purest reality.
It is only of this form as we are going to be able to understand and to perceive the things in totally objective form.
In short my counsel is to use all our human resources, to manage to enter consciousness of the most valuable things, with the help of all the experiences of life that we are going to pass trough in the closest future. In order to be able to understand what happen now and what is going to take place more ahead, we are in the necessity to renovate us simultaneously with the transformations or changes that in all level are on way.
The mission of those like me that are counted with the privilege to have been able to verify the mercy of God, is the one to serve as encouragement before the pressures of the circumstances of life of this time. A time that does not have some comparison, but that implies transcendental changes.
We must not lose the notion, at no moment, that it is the human dignity the one that is on the way to be recovered.
For those that still doubt on the urgent necessity that we have to overpower and to release us of the dominion of our own mind, and with the help of the spirit, I recommend the reading of the letter to the Romans contained in the new testament. This writing include more than sufficient information and explanations on this entire problematic one.
This letter to the Romans, written does approximately two thousand years ago, tries to make clear that the human being, without the participation and help of the spirit in his nature, is still in the slavery of the mind, the error and the death.
See: Letter to the Romans chapter 8
I am going to put full stop to this comment, repeating once again what from the beginning it has been my fundamental base and that at heart summarises what practically the spiritual factor is.

"And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free ".