lördag 3 juni 2023

The Tunnel of Time.


The Tunnel of Time.
We are not stagnant or retreating. We are moving in time towards what will ultimately turn out to be, especially for humanity.
Certainly many have wanted to precipitate things, so that they have been shortening, both time and distance and in many ways.
We are already observing an enormous amount of alterations in the social development and in such a way that it is already looking more like a science fiction movie than something real.
The most serious and senseless thing about all this is that it is practically forcing even the oldest to follow a course and at a speed to which we were not accustomed.
It gives the impression that there are people who feel pressured by the slowness of real life and the uncertainty of what may happen later.
And in the face of all this, there are few people who dare to react to the facts, although it must be recognized that there are already some who have begun to realize that instead of solving the difficulties of our human coexistence, they are actually becoming increasingly difficult and extremely dangerous.
Personally I have been going through the tunnel of time the last 40 years and that because of a spiritual experience that has confirmed to me the existence of something that will come to be consummated, but at the end of the tunnel of the time in which we are now.
I would dare say that the current state of technological advancement in the world is nothing more than a rude manner of equating or copying the authentic attributes of the spiritual nature that awaits us, just at the end of the present time.

Johm 3: 8
"The wind blows where it pleases; you can hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going.
So it is with everyone who is born of the

2 Corinthians 5:17
"So for anyone who is in Christ, there is a new creation: the old order is gone and a new being is there to see".


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