fredag 5 april 2024

Reflections of my life.


Luke 9: 24
"Anyone who wants to save his life will lose it; but anyone who loses his life for my sake, will save it".

I must confess that I am changing and because of that I have been perceiving latent and deep feelings of nostalgia.
This is due to the fact that I am changing, but not only due to the passage of time and the accumulation of years of life, but above all due to the fact that I am changing as a result of the spiritual experience that has placed me on the front line of the events of this precise time.
It costs me an enormous amount to get rid of the most pleasant memories I have had in my life, which although there are not many,  but have been of enormous value in shaping my personality.
And it is because of this that I persist in maintaining as much as possible those feelings that on a social level have encouraged me to trust, despite everything, in someone who is good and who until now continues working so that human beings can pass from the current state in which it is found to a much better one.

Something totally mine and that I remember with great affection are my first years of childhood. I have already commented on something about this in other publications since it was at that age that I, in a completely natural way, "discovered" the presence of God.
Nowadays, and also as a result of the always latent effect of my spiritual experience, I have "discovered", also in the most natural way possible, the personal inclination of each human being that I have the opportunity to see.
It is something like a spontaneous reaction and of a strictly spiritual nature.
Even realizing that this blog, which over the years has become something tremendously dear to me, makes me feel sincerely nostalgic, knowing that it is also approaching its end.
It has been a complementary work that I wanted to share, especially with people willing to learn about other people's life experiences to enrich their own.
I thank all of them with all my heart for feeling some appreciation for the publication of this personal testimony.

I regret having to continue advancing along this path, but almost in absolute loneliness. This kind of experience demands it and although I would like that you could walk by my side, I have to continue moving forward and with great sadness, without you.
Sorry baby, but you are my incentive to feel that I'm still alive.

fredag 22 mars 2024

The stones.


Luke 19:36-40     
"As he advanced, they spread their outer garments along the road.
As soon as he approached the road leading down from the Mount of Olives, the whole crowd of disciples began to rejoice and praise God with a loud voice regarding all the mighty works they had seen and saying: "Blessed is He who comes as King in the name of Jehovah", "Peace in heaven and glory in the highest places."
However, some of the Pharisees in the crowd said to him, "Teacher, rebuke your disciples."
But in response he said: "I tell you: if these remained silent, the stones would cry out."

John 8: 1-11
"At daybreak he appeared in the Temple again and as all the people came to him he sat down and began to teach them.
The scribes and Pharisees brought a woman along who had been caught committing adultery and making her stand there in the middle, they said to Jesus, "Master, this woman was caught in the very act of committing adultery and in the Law Moses has ordered us to stone women of this kind. What have you got to say?"
They asked him this as a test, looking for an accusation to use against him. But Jesus bent down and started writing on the ground with his finger.
As they persisted with their question, he straightened up and said, "Let the one among you who is guiltless be the first to throw a stone to her".
Then he bent down and continue writing on the ground. When they heard this they went away one by one, beginning with the eldest until the last one had gone and Jesus was left alone with the woman, who remained in the middle.
Jesus again straightened up and said, "Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned  you?"
"No one sir" she replied.
"Neither do I condemn you" said Jesus.
"Go away and from this moment sin no more"

Matthew 3:7-9
"When he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees coming to the baptism, he said to them: "You brood of vipers, who has told you to flee from the wrath to come?"
So produce the fruit of repentance and do not dare to say within yourself: "We have Abraham as our father." For I tell you that from these stones God can raise children to Abraham."

lördag 2 mars 2024



Continuing with my desire to solve enigmas and questions, today I want to return to what I consider most relevant of all. I am referring to the coming of Jesus of Nazareth to the Earth and his "presence" at the end of time.
One of my first posts in this blog had the same title as today, that is to say, "Stronger."
On that occasion I was commenting on a documentary that appeared on the Internet and that tried to demonstrate that both Christianity and Jesus himself were nothing more than copies of ancient "myths" from various old civilizations.
The fact is that human beings can and have at their mental disposal the possibility of affirming even the most absurd and meaningless things.
But at the same time he has a series of senses that can considerably increase his capacity for deduction and grant him a broader and more solid understanding about everything that he would like to have absolute certainty about.
However, and this is something that I repeat again, the human mind, because it is the last achievement that has been added to the human being, is in reality the most complex work of all of existence and is still in the process of its definitive consolidation. 
For this to happen there must be a simple but very delicate operation and this is where the coming of Jesus to earth and even more so, his resurrection from the dead comes to play a decisive role.
Ultimately, it is about resolving the issue of trust or credibility in the communication between human beings and more important yet, the communication between human and his Creator.
The existence of God and his claim to be the Creator of all that exists is ratified precisely in the resurrection of Jesus and is transferred through the "word" or the Spirit from person to person, to everyone who "believes", trusts or has obtained the assurance of the existence of the resurrected Jesus.
This way can we obtain evidence that the liar is not God but the human and the motive to act this way laids in the incompleted human brain activity that has been limited due the lack of information about its own performance and even much more about his Creator.

It could be said and without exaggeration that the human being trust much more in his own mental capacity than in the existence of someone who is more intelligent and capable of obtain more and better achievements than himself thinks he is in a position to do.
Such a belief causes him an even greater problem, because the brain structure being almost the same in each of the human beings, the mental reactions are usually totally different from one to another, due to a large number of factors, implicit in the human body itself, as well as in the environment and the circumstances pertinent to the time of its existence.
And this is something that is clearly intended to be demonstrated at this point in the history of humanity, with the implementation of a technology that considerably multiplies what has been known about brain functions to this moment.
The result so far is that this technology is creating new and bigger problems worldwide, because instead of solving difficulties in the social sphere, it is creating more and more complicated situations.

The most important thing about all this that I have wanted to comment today is the fact that the fundamental issue for us human beings, does not lies only in what we think and how we can use our mental resources more carefully, but in the degree of relevance that has the human brain in the quality of existence of each of us.
We all know that we have the days counted in life and this I have already described it as the most serious and powerful of all hereditary diseases that affect us so far and that despite the millennia, it still exerts its dominance relentlessly.
Through the resurrection of Jesus, the magnificent power of life has achieved the appropriate medicine or treatment to combat, once and for all, the uselessness of the death in humans and thus finalize the work of shape the human being, in the image and likeness of its Creator.
Thanks to that medicine is that I am still giving testimony in this blog, and I can assure you that day after day I feel me much more stronger, not only in Spirit (medicine), but also in Truth.

torsdag 22 februari 2024



Personally, I find myself at a rather moving crossroads, since it is a matter of verifying, on the one hand, that the renewal of the planet continues its march with its varied number of phenomena that are affecting the entire planet and with all its consequences.
On the other hand, it is to verify that unfortunately the people of the world continue with their plans and projects, short and long term, voluntarily or involuntarily discarding the fact that the planet we inhabit is in full renewal and that based on what we are observing daily, anything can happen and in the most unforeseen way.
That is to say, I feel a tremendous pleasure to see that something colossally great is happening here on Earth and that it has already begun to exert influence on the world and in all areas of things.
But what worries and saddens me most is the feeling that so many people do not have the slightest idea of what is really happening and continue to discard in this way that there is Someone who has laid down the laws of existence and by that very fact counts in His favor with the right to judge the works of all living beings.

Something I count in my favor and after almost 50 years has been preparing me for what  was revealed to me that would happen.
That something is not mine but has been granted to me by virtue of the events that have been taking place in the world, especially in recent decades.
I am on my way to being 78 years old (physically), but that something that dwells in the innermost part of my being remains unchanged at the age I was at the time of my spiritual experience.(27 years old)
Among other things that is what the photos of my beloved "Babies" and the large amount of music videos contained in this blog show and that help to give a clearly personal nuance to this personal testimony about the most remarkable and valuable experience I have gone through.

Something implicit in the way to the Eternal Life is this precise passage through which we have to go through and that is why changes, transformations, alterations are required and in short a perfection of everything that has been working until now, although not in the right way.
That is at least what I have personally been able to learn up to this very moment.

torsdag 8 februari 2024

I feel fine.


Despite all the circumstances, both adverse and favorable, I feel pleased with the experience of which I testify in this blog.
Although it is something strictly personal, I think it should be of great help, especially for those who still do not have a definitive conviction regarding this immense reality in which we are present.
My insistence on continuing to keep this blog active is due to the enormous amount of benefits that are obtained by being participants in something that goes beyond, and far exceeds, everything that until today is presumed to be known, especially regarding our personal integrity and origin of our human existence.
There is no one better who can reveal to us the multiple details concerning our human reality than the one who claims to be the one who wanted to have our presence, to share with us his multiple attributes.
Only in this way is it possible to understand our limitations and tendencies to want to solve questions on our own.
Having an experience, like the one I describe in this blog, on the one hand is something like a privilege and on the other, an enormous responsibility that has been granted to me, based on my most sincere desire to contribute to the liberation of human race, to put an end once and for all to ignorance, which is ultimately the mother of all doubts, assumptions and unwillingness to accept the existence of someone extremely superior who continues working so that we become something better from what we have been able to verify so far.

Continuing with my desire to make personal confessions and to resolve the enigmas that on a personal level have the tendency to hinder my progress along the path that I have been traveling until now, today I want to reiterate that the greatest of the obstacles that I count in my own interior is that of the part of my brain that was damaged at a very early childhood.
One of the most striking things that I have been discovering lately is the perception or realization that the damaged part of my brain, on the one hand, understands more easily the recovery or healing process that I am in, but only in Spanish or Castilian, which was the only language I knew in my childhood and at the age of being damaged.
On the other hand, it was in that language that my encounter on a spiritual level with the resurrected Jesus took place and my subsequent spiritual experience and encounter with the Supreme Being and the Spirit of Wisdom.
The other thing that has caught my attention is the varied amount of "personalities" that the human brain uses to execute its multiple functions. In this sense, memorizing facts and, above all, words accumulated during the time of our existence plays a very important role.
But all this that I have wanted to reveal very quickly is a tiny fraction of the gigantic amount of knowledge and verification that is at our disposal, if we only accept to be taught by someone who can really demonstrate to us his unlimited capacity of Power and Wisdom.

I feel fine to see, firstly, that there is a path that leads to something much better than what the current world offers and secondly due to the fact that despite all the adversities, limitations, setbacks, loneliness, pains and irritations, spite on the part of those who have known me, needs of all kinds and much more, what I have had the privilege of getting to know is something that is increasingly dear to me and because I have come to consider that this is my personal destiny or the goal of my existence.

söndag 28 januari 2024

Moving on.


First of all, I want to confess that this personal testimony has approximately 10 people in the world who follow it with some interest and 10 more who from time to time have the possibility of resuming contact with this blog, because in the countries where they live they find it difficult to access the Internet.
My first pretensions were much greater. I thought that the more people became familiar with what I am comment on, clarifying and revealing here, the more quickly the interest in the whole world could have been awakened to know where we are as humanity and what is happening to the powers of nature and even more importantly, what is the reason, not this change or transformation, but of this ecological renewal that is signaling the end of an era and the beginning of a new one.
The fact is that I understand perfectly why I feel frustrated, because I personally have a life trajectory that, added to my spiritual experience, continues to teach me a little bit of everything.

To clarify things further, I must repeat once again that I am not a professional "religious" and I don't even belong to any group in particular.
My spiritual experience is something strictly personal that has happened thanks to the mediation of the risen Jesus and the mercy of God and has been transformed into a communion that is intended to testify about the historical moment that humanity is living today.
I think I was considered as the person to fulfill this objective because of the work that at that time I was performing in a radio station (Social-Media), in a time highly unstable at the socio-political and economic level.
This is the reason for the tremendous difference between the things I comment on in this blog and what is generally considered known and understood in the world.

All of this has led me to confirm or verify the true existential reality in which we find ourselves and which clearly illuminates the reason why, as human beings, it is so difficult for us to understand it and for a very simple reason.
There is someone who knows much more than we imagine or suppose, even about ourselves as beings highly prepared to be part of the existence.
That someone even has the means to grant information or reveal secrets that  keeps to itself and jealously guards them since this one knows perfectly the current state of the human being.
Personally, I have a series of revelations, all of them included in the scriptures but very difficult to be fully understood.
The most impactful for me in these very moments is to feel, in the integrity of my body, the tremendous regenerative power that  have at its disposal to make all things new, including the current human being.

lördag 20 januari 2024

Still in my way.


With the music that pleases me and always accompanied by my beautiful "babies" I continue to advance in the wonderful experience that I have been granted the privilege of getting to know and of which I bear witness in this blog.
The thing is that in no way can I remain silent and not share how much I have been taught and continue to learn, regarding all the topics that this blog contains.
The truth is that lately I have been making continuous progress in terms of solving a lot of puzzles that have appeared as I have continued to advance.
In this sense, I must confess that I really feel ignorant in almost everything that is related to the spiritual dimension and despite how much I have commented on this blog, I realize that there is much that I still need to verify, in the purely personal level.

The biggest enigma is my own existence, since at a very early age I was brutally damaged in the brain, precisely the part of the body that I consider to be the most unstable and difficult to get to know, at least personally.
Many of the things that have happened in my life, from childhood until now, are related to the lack of activity and interrelation with the rest of the body, of part of the damaged region and especially with the other cerebral hemisphere that does not was damaged.

I think that by making these types of confessions, you my dear friends, will be able to understand the reason why I have been shown compassion and helped, despite how tremendously difficult it is to recover the normal functions of all blows and wounds that I have accumulated until now in body, mind and soul.