Luke 9: 24
"Anyone who wants to save his life will lose it; but anyone who loses his life for my sake, will save it".
I must confess that I am changing and because of that I have been perceiving latent and deep feelings of nostalgia.
This is due to the fact that I am changing, but not only due to the passage of time and the accumulation of years of life, but above all due to the fact that I am changing as a result of the spiritual experience that has placed me on the front line of the events of this precise time.
It costs me an enormous amount to get rid of the most pleasant memories I have had in my life, which although there are not many, but have been of enormous value in shaping my personality.
And it is because of this that I persist in maintaining as much as possible those feelings that on a social level have encouraged me to trust, despite everything, in someone who is good and who until now continues working so that human beings can pass from the current state in which it is found to a much better one.
Something totally mine and that I remember with great affection are my first years of childhood. I have already commented on something about this in other publications since it was at that age that I, in a completely natural way, "discovered" the presence of God.
Nowadays, and also as a result of the always latent effect of my spiritual experience, I have "discovered", also in the most natural way possible, the personal inclination of each human being that I have the opportunity to see.
It is something like a spontaneous reaction and of a strictly spiritual nature.
Even realizing that this blog, which over the years has become something tremendously dear to me, makes me feel sincerely nostalgic, knowing that it is also approaching its end.
It has been a complementary work that I wanted to share, especially with people willing to learn about other people's life experiences to enrich their own.
I thank all of them with all my heart for feeling some appreciation for the publication of this personal testimony.
I regret having to continue advancing along this path, but almost in absolute loneliness. This kind of experience demands it and although I would like that you could walk by my side, I have to continue moving forward and with great sadness, without you.
Sorry baby, but you are my incentive to feel that I'm still alive.