According to everything exposed in this blog, at least two great transcendental things are still on track to come true. They are the resurrection of the dead and the establishment of the Kingdom of God on earth.
Of course this is still for many a complete illusion, in the face of which I feel the need to reiterate that I have a small experience, not only theoretic but above all practical, which allows me to ensure that both transcendental events are already on the way, precisely in the midst of an unstable and unresolvable situation of today's humanity.
And I say transcendental since these are truly extraordinary things that will mark the limit between the past and the future of the planet as a whole.
On this occasion I wanted to summarize some of the things that can happen and at the least expected moment.
According to the writings and research carried out by scientific experts in various areas, this planet with everything it contains is exposed, first of all, to a disastrous cataclysm that has never happened before and that is not only due to the activity of the magma of the planet earth, but also to the immense turbulences that occur in the sun of this system to which this planet belongs.
Other things that are very likely to happen according to the above is a gigantic eruption of some of the many volcanoes on the 5 continents and also, the unexpected appearance of a new continent, presumably in the middle of the immense Pacific Ocean.
But without a doubt, what could most affect, especially to the humanity, is an unexpected change in the polarity of the Earth, which would imply a total stoppage of all the activity that is carried out today in the entire world.
The main cause that could lead to one of these catastrophic events is the degree of lawlessness that continues to be implemented in the world and that could give rise to an even greater disaster, with unimaginable consequences.
This is what Jesus refers to when he expresses that if this time were not shortened, there would be no one who would be saved, but it will be shortened.