The spiritual reality.
The Spirit (God - The Life) has existed already before the Universe comes into existence.
It is The Holy Spirit. Holy = beyond the common. Not of this nature.
Only a God's revelation of own will (vision, manifestation, revealing) can grant us the confirmation about His presence, will, quality, etc.
The Human Being obtained from God his present status (Homo-sapiens sapiens) through the Spirit.
In according with God's will the Human being was created in God's Glory (image, profile)
The Human Being misused or mismanaged God's Glory, abandoned God's Glory in this way and created the current state that all of us has experienced too well.
This particular incident occurred long time ago; witch explains the almost total deficit of evidence, indications or trace about this event.
The only sign we have, beyond those old scriptures that are preserved in different places all over the world and informed about all that, are the tendencies we recognize within us to accept or reject the nature's rule in practice.
In others words, we have lack of consciousness about God - The Life and for this sake about The Spirit.
The evil comes into the world for this reason, in both spiritual and practices forms. For, the power of the evil is the force that voluntarily abandon God's order and takes up the position of opponent.
That abandonment, fall or original sin such as names or it is known gave opportunity to a disorganization of God's primary intention, first of all in the case of the humankind's consummation, both individual and collective.
In accord to the previous points, we are living at the moment in the middle of a confrontation between the forces that has taken part for or against the humankind's fulfilment.
This particular situation set the whole humankind under the subordination of those powers, though under an already determinate period of time that vanish when God at last complete in successful the creation of the human being in his own image. ( Likeness ) ( Once more )
All the preceding points embrace obvious limitations in our present human condition, so much significant, that only a real change can get to the end of them.
For that reason, the redemption all of us are in great need of is absolutely possible and give us proof and clarification (consciousness) of the whole Spiritual factor, such as we has called this phenomenon for.
To obtain a real change and an expanding of consciousness (observe the affinity with the term evolution), we must "sacrifice" or abandon our "natural" conception of all and be able to experience or feel The Holy Spirit of God. This particular kind of Spirit is the only one who has not been contaminated neither manipulated by the power against the Universe's order and the human's redemption.
The only one who has explained to us all about that, is the only one who was born, baptized and resurrected by the power, will and excellence of the Holy Spirit, that is to say: Jesus or "the Man from Nazareth".
"In their minds I shall plant my laws writing them on their hearts.
Then I shall be their God, and they shall be my people.
There will be no further need for each to teach his neighbor, and each his brother saying: Learn to know the Lord!
No, they will all know me, from the least to the greatest, since I shall forgive their guilt and never more call their sins to mind".
Whoever lives sinfully belongs to the devil, since the devil has been a sinner from the beginning.
This was the purpose of the appearing of the Son of God, to undo the work of the devil".