lördag 14 december 2024



I would like to express some encouraging words, especially for you my dear friends, at the end of another year and on the eve of the next one.
The truth is that it is quite difficult for me to find those words, not only due to the current social state in the world, but above all due to the spiritual experience that is ultimately what sustains my presence until this moment on Earth.
The experience to which I refer granted me teachings, revelations and visions about what is to come and over time I have gradually understood what it is really about.
The greatest difficulty in understanding everything that was granted to me lies in the "time" factor. That is to say, at the precise moment in which they will be fulfilled.
In this regard, Jesus clarified that absolutely no one knows this, except only the Father.
I believe that this is due to the fact that the human mind, with its large arsenal of possibilities, of knowing when and how things will happen, would try in some way or another to thwart the activity that has been arranged for it to enter in force, at the appropriate time.
Whatever is going to happen, it is sensible to consider that it is something never seen before and that also according to Jesus, will never happen again.

Personally, I find myself in a deep and highly delicate process of transition, due to the heavy burden that I have been carrying since childhood and until this very moment.
They are wounds and blows that have put all my fragile human integrity in general disorder and in this way my fidelity and gratitude to those who have granted me a spiritual experience that surpasses my own expectation has been tested, although there are very few who have trusted in my testimony and the cause of having been reached in the way I have described in this blog.

John 13; 12
"For to him who has, more will be given and it will abound, but to him who does not have, even what he has will be taken away."

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