lördag 30 november 2024

In Jesus footsteps.


My testimony in this blog is directly linked to the saving action of the risen Jesus, who among other things put me in the proper relationship with the Father of humanity and creator of all that exists and who in his mercy sealed in my heart and in my mind his laws, with the Power of the Holy Spirit.
I had never before realized the immense value of all this experience and this is due to the fact that I have always believed that the whole of humanity is in the same condition as to go through something similar, although now I must recognize that it is something that demands, both will and adequate references on the social plane about all this.
Jesus was one of the first to be reached by the divine will and with a view to finalizing his work of creation of the human being, although the Power obtained by him was immensely superior to that which I have received. I must admit that it has been enough for me to testify about all the topics that I wanted to comment on this blog.
The way to the Eternal Life was one of the first revelations I got on the day of my spiritual experience. The explanation for this was issued by the Pastor of the Church in which I was in that day, at the time of explaining why Jesus came to Earth.
He was the path arranged to rescue humanity from the present mortal state in which it is found.
The most difficult thing to get along in all this is the long period of time that has passed since the human presence of Jesus on Earth and the present time. More than two thousand years have passed without a complete understanding of both the works of God and the specific mission assigned to the risen Jesus.
Today there are many who follow in the footsteps of other people who throughout the history of humanity have found, according to them, the way out or the means to trust in the continuity of life, but after death.
And that is precisely where the ignorance regarding Life and death lies.
As I have expressed on many occasions, Life obeys a very well-disposed series of laws that so far govern the whole of the universal reality.
It is precisely because of these laws that the human being continues in his mortal state, that despite the millennia remains unchanged, unless we are granted the opportunity to follow in the footsteps of someone who has fulfilled the laws of Life, to the extreme of putting them in evidence with his own example.
That is to say, demonstrating the truthfulness, fidelity and justice of the Power from which the Life emanates.
I follow and as attached as possible in the footsteps of Jesus of Nazareth for two specific reasons.
The first is his resurrection from the dead obtained by the Power of the Holy Spirit present in him during his short years of human permanence on this planet.
The second is for me personally the most significant and is the encounter with this risen Jesus that occurred in 1973 and when I was detained in a regiment in northern Chile.
It was not only the confirmation of his resurrection more or less 2000 years ago, but above all of his present presence in the world, as he himself said, to save those who are waiting for him.
There are a huge number of people who follow in the footsteps, even on a spiritual level, with beings who are not precisely acting to help or save the human being, but who have declared themselves as enemies of the human race, incited by enormous envy, because of what has been prepared for humanity to achieve, in due time.
On this there are many references in the scriptures, although in any case the arrogance and cunning of many has wanted to have the help and support of these creatures, who otherwise are not in any way just extraterrestrial inhabitants.
Personally I have passed and since my earliest childhood through multiple circumstances, which I assure you they weren't nice or pleasant at all., but quite the opposite.
I could say that even to this very day they have tried, by all the means at their disposal, to obstruct the way that I have been granted the privilege of coming to know; the way to the Eternal Life.
The fact is that the idea is not mine, but of someone who has the Power to create and activate everything that is proposed. I only bear witness that I have come to feel this power, thanks to the redemptive work of Jesus of Nazareth, whom I follow in his footsteps the best I can.

Ephesians 6: 12
"For it is not against human enemies that we have to struggle, but against the principalities and the ruling forces who are masters of the darkness in this world, the spirits of evil in the heavens".

Matthew 4: 8-11
"Next,taking him to a very high mountain, the devil showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendour. And he said to him, "I will give you all these, if you fall at my feet and do me homage". Then Jesus replied, "Away with you Satan! For scriptures says: The Lord your God is the one to whom you must do homage, him alone you must serve".

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