söndag 21 augusti 2022

Time for reconsideration.



In the distinctly personal level I have to say that these last ten years, I have often had moments of reconsideration, especially about my own personal spiritual experience and what this allows me to do, for the benefit of others.
It is for this reason that I have continued with this work on this blog and I have noted that at the time to work in this place of the Internet I have been helping myself to feel better and enjoy much more satisfactorily my own personal life experience.
From 2018 until the start of the pandemic, I had the satisfaction of seeing the highest number of people who visited this blog.
At that time I had more than 300 publications, many of which no longer exist since they mostly dealt with both my spiritual experience and the different stages I have gone through to perceive my health recovery.
But the most important thing of all and that fills me with admiration is the large number of countries to which this humble blog has reached and in which there have been many people who have shown some interest in reading my personal comments, practically about everything.
There are more than 20 different countries from the 5 continents.
Among these I can mention for example: Sweden, USA, Russia, Germany, Denmark, France, Ukraine, Canada, Chile, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Great Britain, Ireland, Spain, Egypt, Brazil, United Arab Emirates and many others.
It is the immense and intense informative activity that currently we have today that allows us to be informed of things almost at the same time that these befall it.
This is very valuable and meaningful in times of huge natural disasters that are happening daily in the world.
However, most of the criminal actions that occur today are revealed almost instantly, but they are acts that have been happening for thousands of years, because they are part of the natural tendencies of the human being who never wanted to understand their personal responsibility in the social context of humanity.
Many times when contemplating news programs that offer various TV channels, one is stunned by the coldness of those who without any contemplation, are capable of killing in the almost more barbarous ways imaginable.
And this in the 21st century, behind two world wars and a permanent state of hostility that comes precisely from the extreme stubbornness of those who refuse to consider things in a more sensible manner and for the benefit of the entire humankind.
On the other hand, it is not particularly the public opinion which should begin shortly to reconsider a number of issues that are of real importance.
They are the ones who are always willing to serve as a guide to the masses (the rulers in the world), who are currently being forced to review or question concepts that have been in operation for many centuries, but today have no practical legitimacy to continue to be regarded almost as "sacred", immovable or irreplaceable.
Among those things I want to put on the table the true meaning, purpose and aim for something that today almost nobody dares to doubt its value.
And I do it considering the most recent cases that from all points of view are nothing more than farce and deceit.
I mean the concept "democracy" and its key pillar, the elections.
There are currently millions of political refugees worldwide who have had to leave their countries and all their possessions and family, because of the political, "religious", economic and social enmity which still exist in almost every continent.
I was one of them personally, but nearly forty years ago and during the course of these years and from the peaceful Sweden, I have seen the enormous changes that have been happening in the world and "redoing" it practically, from the feet to the head.
That is to say, from the very earth that sustains us and to the most secret intimacy of our thoughts.
But this is not really the most important thing that I personally understand should be reconsidered.
For me remains sacred, what it really is sacred and between it, the works of God made manifest in the Gospel that left us, more than 2000 years ago, Jesus of Nazareth.
That the world does not want to reconsider things, is its own problem. But that there are thousands of people who confess to being "believers" in the Nazarene, without making any effort to be worthy disciples of him, is something that hurts me deeply.
And this on that now I comment my dear friends, is something that Jesus himself achieved to discern from a distance and thus expressed and in many ways.
Many will be called, but few chosen.
The main cause lies in something as simple and easy as our behavior at a social level.
It is here where many noisily shipwreck, since the true meaning of freeing oneself by knowing the Truth is precisely that of being used in favor of others and in a special way, of those most in need.
And in particular, they are implicit in the Sermon on the Mount and when mentioning the blessed, all those acts that deserve to be rewarded with eternal life.
There really are many people who, without confessing themselves to be "Christians", have acted in absolute and full congruence with the teachings of the Messiah and I am sure they will continue to do so, as things continue to unfold at this special moment in the history of humanity.

Thanks for your visit today and until next time.

lördag 20 augusti 2022

Try to understand this.

"Let the dead bury their dead, your follow me and inform people about the Kingdom of God."
This way I could personally synthesize the command I am trying to carry out and in the best possible way.
Unfortunately, it seems that much of what I have tried to report fails to contribute greatly to some people to make an effort to discern the present condition in which the planet is currently found, including its thousands of inhabitants of all kinds.
This fact saddens me deeply, but in no way alter my absolute will to keep walking the way I've been doing since 1974, when I was awakened to the absolute and complete reality.
There are things that every day make us decay and enter in moments of great bewilderment.
However those moments of supreme fulguration that already I have been accumulated to this date, strengthen me enough to continue to receive practice instruction and memorizing it, on all the secrets of the life, from within myself and according to what happen in today's world.
I would like to say a few words about this, since it is something that I have managed to interpret from how much has been recorded in the Gospels, about the recommendations, advice and revelations of Jesus, regarding the time when all things will be renewed.
That particular time that Jesus indicates, is this time.
I say this based on the addition that can be done of the "signs" he mentioned.
They are among others the return of the Jewish people to their ancient territories; the present solar activity which is what is contributing the most part from the space to the renewal of the planet; the present entrance into a new Universal Era and foremost my own spiritual experience, which is what has enabled me to "see" the "presence" of Jesus on earth and making what he indicated he would have to do.
Something he clarified, but two thousand years ago.
My base is solid, but my nature is still human and therefore, fragile, weak, mortal or in a permanent state of natural exterminate.
This famous state I have been watching with great clarity in many people, even in myself.
The problem that the death has created to itself is that despite its enormous power of destruction and the thousands of thousands of followers it has, its days have been limited by the One who holds the Supreme Power.
That is to say, the Power of Life.
Especially in recent years and considering that something new is happening in me, I have come to realize the miserable state of physical deterioration in which I have lived most of my years.
This has manifested itself in a very clear way, so I've come to realize a lot of infections that have been altering the normal functioning from the bones themselves and up to the skin.
And I must remark that go through this experience is not a pleasurable thing and the only thing that manages to balance such a state or condition, it is just the possibility of accumulating "consciousness", not only of my own physical, mental and emotional reality, but in addition to the nature in general of which I am part.
Because of this it is that I dare to assure that what solar storms are affecting currently the entire planet and all who inhabit it, outside of being something that is far beyond the "scientific" capacity of human understanding, is something that penetrates the interior of all living things in particular and of the entire mass of the planet.
I will not go into details on the subject, but I have to admit that what I am saying is something that I've been able to deduce, in consideration of various aspects that have attracting my attention the latter years.
The fact that I could feel or realize these things, owes to the process of complete renewal of health of my body and mind.
This personal experience I strongly I have wanted to expose as a testimony in this blog, fully agrees with the scriptures, although considered these properly.
This is where the big difference is between those who can learn and recite by heart much of the writings, but in the end they do not understand at all what it is about and those who manage to discern things, as they have set their trust in the Spirit himself which was present in the people who wrote those letters and to which one has access through the mediation of the Nazarene.
I mean the spirit of Truth.
For this reason is that so far, almost no one has yet succeeded deduce that the famous "end of the world", it is not something that occurs during 24 hours or something like that.
The interpretation of time is a very important chapter in the scriptures.
What these allow to make out is something quite important to be considered, especially when it is a question of the Kingdom of God.
Among other things I'll mention that the time factor in the hands of God is something totally different from how we consider it.
The first major example is printed on the description of the universal creation.
Here the most critical steps are mentioned as done during a day, something that many people still interpret as if they were in time lapse of 24 hours. That is to say, there is done a literal interpretation that by no means is equivalent to the magnitude of the executed works and described in progressive form, up to coming to the chapter of the human being.
As regards the Kingdom of God specifically, it has been divulged, reported and prophesied long before its final establishment.
Even with many years in anticipation of the coming to this world of those two men who paid with their lives, precisely the proclamation of the advent (proximity) of the Kingdom of God.
These two great men were John the Baptist and Jesus of Nazareth.
Many of the first converted to the Gospel of Jesus believed that the Kingdom would settle on Earth during those years, including the Apostle Paul, one of the greatest apostles of the faith.
However it has been more than two thousand years and the Kingdom is still unable to establish on this planet, according to how the promise is made.
And in accordance with this long period of time, many have come to the conclusion that it will never be finally succeeded.
There is included also the entire impossibility that the dead persons could be turned to the life and that therefore there is no remedy before this destination to which we all are exposed.
But, the correct interpretation of scripture, not taken partially but in the context of its totality, they illuminate or inform about things that for its high relevancy, transcend the scriptures themselves and that even nowadays they are extremely difficult to understand, in spite of the enormous technological and cognitive ability of this humanity.
It is a question of really transcendental things, from the clearly human point of view and I have calling them "The Spiritual Factor" for already more than twenty years inside the Internet.
This is the factor most feared by the humanity, since it executes its works from a dimension that transcends the senses and the human intelligence and that manages to achieve its verdicts, but at the most unexpected time.

That is what is happening at this very moment on Earth.

It departed almost mathematically with the advent of a new century and a new universal era, which agrees to the perfection with the Power and Knowledge exhibited from the first lines of the Genesis and that in spectacular form it reaches in the final description exhibited in the book of the Revelations or Apocalypse.
For those who remain occupied in following the results of the soccer, of the commodity exchanges, of the famous cell phones, of the traditional holidays that every month brings with it, of burying its dead persons, etc. etc..., what still is going on in the world actually passes almost unnoticed.
Nevertheless this does not mean by any way that we still have not come to the special period of time in which all the things will have to be revealed and the judgment will have to be fulfilled, in conformity to the facts or acts of everyone.
Therefore it is convenient to remember that the judgment established on Adam of which he should die come to be fulfilled, but when this one had already lived more than 900 years on Earth.
That is why, my dear friends, is very appropriate in these days to put a little more of attention to everything that is happening.
I wish with all my heart that none of you may be exempted to enter in what the nearest future brings with it.

Thanks for your visit.       
God be present in every one of you, in Spirit and in Truth.

fredag 19 augusti 2022



The last comments I've added to this blog has a more or less serious character, especially in regard to God and Jesus, who was the only person who has had the mission to inform us both about God and his works.
Unfortunately, the writings contained in the Bible have not fully reflected everything concerning the Nazarene and only during the last decades we have been able to have further information concerning Him, thanks to the discovery of writings that were hidden for reasons that we only can imagine.
One of the most important things that reveal these writings is the tremendous consternation of Jesus to the almost total ignorance of people respect to the Father and his works.
In the Gospels contained in the Bible is reached to notice something about this, although many of the words of Jesus concerning this tremendous ignorance go unnoticed before other works, events and teachings.

Today I want to refer to one of the things that I reach to perceive as non valued correctly by the people, relating to the personal God that both Jesus and all those who have been touched by his work of salvation, we have come to know, as we say, face to face and eye to eye.
It has been precisely that character of intimacy what has made us appreciate and value all this immense creative work that right now continues approaching to its culmination.
Perhaps because of this is that, at least in the definitely personal plane, I feel moved before the coldness of the present world that continues its trajectory, even doing plans to length and short term and in all things order, as if really nothing extraordinary happened, not only inside of everyone, but also here in the Earth and in universal terms.
There are many people in the world who works hard researching things, although within a framework very narrow and accommodating mentally to what has finally come to be in practice the mixture of Mediterranean civilisations that now dominates markedly around the world.
There are many people who want to get to the truth, but unfortunately they not take into account the real mental capacity that we have and that before the Truth becomes markedly insufficient in practice.
This is something extremely difficult to understand and therefore to accept, if not someone and somehow helps us to realize the limitations we have.

God does not exist for many people, only and exclusively because those people have never wanted or felt any inclination to make sure about His existence.
Nevertheless it is to the information for these people received about God what they do not "believe" or accepts, since this information has been transferred by human beings and therefore it is evidently limited.
This is the old story that symbolically has been imprinted in the account of the Garden of Eden.
From the beginning we have believed that for being "aware" of the reality we are already in conditions to value and to make use of it in the way that everyone consider to be the best.
And this is what until today keeps many in an atmosphere of coldness to the facts.
There is no way to convince the human beings of their limitations.
No one wants to accept the real origin of our condition of highly intelligent creature and is given by the fact that that state we have been ourselves who have achieved and by our own means.
This intelligence that makes us feel so proud is at the bottom which prevents or refuses to give access to something that is extremely complex and that for thousands of years it has been doing everything possible to keep with us a conversation or communication that can enable us to be "aware", but to a much higher level than that so far, we have been able to experience, feeling or verify and of course to demonstrate.

I am perplexed as Jesus; not only of the huge prevailing ignorance among people, but above all the great prevailing indifference to reach verify things and deal appropriately with a reality that is forcing us to change attitudes, if we really want to remain partakers of the most valuable of all, the life.
In my personal case I am provided in my favour with a spiritual experience happened in the beginning of the 70s and that in unexpected form could reveal to me this immense phenomenon that happens in the world right now. 
The transformation of the planet product of the alteration of functions or activities of the powers of the nature.
This revelation was possible thanks to a meeting at a level distinctly superior to the mental one and that it managed to verify, both the existence and the work entrusted to Jesus of Nazareth.
This fact happened in my person was what made possible the access to the verification of the existence of the Father and to the knowledge about Him.
Was an indescribably beautiful encounter that altered eloquently in fraction of seconds, the most sophisticated of my notions or images about him.

It is therefore that I feel the imperative to bear witness in this regard, because I have the absolute certainty that every human being, passing through such experience, will have the absolute security or certainty about the truth, about God and about the life.
This was the great desire of Jesus, since he himself went through this experience and that is why God the Father consecrated him in the mission to be the ideal medium for finally achieve its goal of creating a humanity in his own image and likeness means.
Beyond the fact of feeling what is a spiritual experience, of going so far as to verify the presence of the Nazarene and of the fact of understand the need to be anointed spiritually as an assertion to the acceptance of my person, there is something absolutely personal that complemented in an eloquent way my conception on God and His intimate relation with the human race.
For reasons that I've never been able to understand do not figure in my birth certificate some name in regards to my father. Only appears the name of my mother.
That is why to feel suddenly that someone as important as God Himself appears assuming that responsibility, was for me the pinnacle of that spiritual experience.
I was perplexed in the instant that it happened, although physically was the fire of the Spirit from the Father and that settled unexpectedly in my heart, which made me understand His real existence and Power.

I felt suddenly woken up to the feelings that with the time had been going out slowly because of the circumstances of life that sealed my existence from the infancy.
All this experience is the one that has illuminated me of a very special form on all these things that still remain secret or badly interpreted, because of the prevailing domain in the world of the lie, of the envy and of the triviality.
It is difficult to understand very much the motives that seemingly have created a hostility climate between the human race and That One that from long time ago insists on being recognized like our most nearby relative.
In the same way cost a huge amount to understand the human stubbornness of not wanting to accept its legitimate nature.
But it is easy to understand the words of the psalmist who one day thousands of years ago wrote the following thing:

Psalm 8:
"Yahweh our Lord,
how majestic is your name throughout the world!
Whoever keeps singing of your majesty higher than the heavens,
you make him a fortress, firm against your foes,
to subdue the enemy and the rebel.
I look up at your heavens, shaped by your fingers,
at the moon and the stars you set firm
what are human beings that you spare a thought for them,
or the child of Adam (son of Man) that you care for him?
Yet you have made him little less than a god,
you have crowned him with glory and beauty,
made him lord of the works of your hands,
put all things under his feet,
sheep and cattle, all of them,,
and even the wild beasts,
birds in the sky, fish in the sea,
when he makes his way across the ocean.
Yahweh our Lord,
how majestic your name throughout the world!

In many occasions I have expressed in this blog that, according to the universal order we have entered a new era, the era of Aquarius. 
It is the favorable time for the liberation of the human mind as it is precisely this which has dominated our own will and delayed in thousands of years the exaltation of the human race that has been prepared in advance by the One who precisely is our Father.
It is He who has arranged with enormous Knowledge and Justice the stages that finally will have to lead us to the intention itself of our existence.
We are at the edge of the purest reality and already is crumbling the majestic pedestal which we have raised to the most typical of all the human resource, the mind.
If there is something that can really help us to see things very clearly and solve all the unknowns so far as we remain concerned,
that something is a gift that God has established to be deposited in the depths of the human being, in due time.
At the time of the revelation of His magnificent presence on the world in order to consolidate the work that has been running since thousands of years ago.
This gift is the Spirit that in contrast to the human mind can and wants to exercise absolute domain over the materiality of our bodies, so that these share the nature of our Father and Creator, that is to say, the eternity. 

Thanks for your visit today and until next time.

onsdag 1 juni 2022

Det Andliga faktumet


Essä av
Claudio Alfredo Salgado Salgado
Ronneby, 1996-2008.

... och Sanningen ska göra er fria...


DEL 1.- PRELIMINÄRA ASPEKTER  ( Att ta hänsyn till…)         

                   1.- Ordet, språket, talet.

                   2.- Den mänskliga hjärnaktiviteten.

                   3.- Kommunikation.

                   4.- Intelligens.

                   5.- Evolutionsteorin.

                   6.- Religion.

                   7.- Gud.

                   8.- Anden.


              (Enligt bibliska skrifter och personlig erfarenhet)

                  1.- Genesis Kap. 1 - 2 - 3

                  2.- Salomons visdom.

                  3.- Johannesevangeliet.


             ( Nutidens konfrontation med begreppet: Ande )

                 En tid av förändring

                 A: Symptomen

                 B: Bakgrund. 

                 C: Utvägen.

                 Från anpassning till integration. pass over = övergång = påsk

                 Det andliga faktumet i aktion. ”New Age”, (Gaia och Gaiahypotesen)

                 Tiden är inne

                 Graham Hancock



Det andliga faktumet är i sig ett försök att aktualisera kunskaperna om ämnet ande.
Jag är övertygad om att, ända tills idag, inte finns den klarhet, varken om själva begreppet ande, eller dess roll i allt det existerande.

Därför blir många delar av den mänskliga historien, en av grundpunkterna att undersökas grundligt.
Jag gör det med en extra betoning på den del som de gamla "
religionerna" har tagit upp i sina berättelser om människans uppkomst, och som inte stämmer med den sekulariserade versionen av mänsklighetens tidigaste erfarenheter.

Historiens första etapper har våra förfäder överlämnat till oss, i form av mycket kloka och nästan hemlighetsfulla sagor, som nästan ingen har kunnat tyda ännu eller förklara till fullo.
De flesta benämningar som användes på den tiden i dessa skildringar, har fortfarande inga klara preciseringar och representerar endast ett gammalt sätt att uttrycka sig. Bland de termer som våra förfäder brukade på deras tid, kan man nämna gud t.ex., änglar, demoner, själen, helvetet, himlen, andar, m.m.

I dagens läge är det oundvikligt anser jag, att konfrontera alla de här beteckningarna en gång för alla och ta fasta på deras egentliga innebörd, som mycket väl kan vara oviljan att göra detta, anledningen till alla våra mänskliga stridigheter som inte avtar med tiden utan tvärtom.
Inte nog med våra egna konflikter har vi kommit i konfrontation med själva naturen och startat en kamp som kommer att avgöra världens framtid. Denna uppgörelse kan kort sammanfattas som den avgörande kraftmätningen mellan "
naturen", å ena sidan, och mänsklighetens tänkande styrka, å den andra.

Av den anledningen ska jag härnäst dra fram i ljuset orsaken till denna märkliga situation och i den mån jag kan, försöka förklara omständigheterna vi går igenom just nu och hur kommer det hela att vidareutvecklas.
För att göra detta möjligt ska jag uppdatera
anden i sin rätta betydelse, del vill säga, som det aktiva elementet som vi ständigt har förbisett men som bör tas i beaktande, eftersom vi inte har lärt oss att igenkänna det, trots alla möjliga försök.

Jag understryker dessutom att utan högaktning till detta element kan vi aldrig någonsin få slut på våra mänskliga fientligheter och inte heller leva tillsammans i harmoni med
Min önskan är att kunna vara så tydliga som möjligt i framläggandet av alla kunskaper jag har, för jag vet med största säkerhet att vi redan har kommit in på den tid som våra förfäder hänvisade till i sina fabler. En tid som inte länge styrs av mörker eller lögn, utan av sanningens styrka och glans.

jag pratar om, är endast möjlig tack vore det andliga faktumet.
Om vi inte har kunnat nå sanningen på diverse områden, har det varit just precis i avsaknad av erfarenhet och hänsyn till detta fenomen, som konstig nog våra förfäders hade mycket bättre insikt om, för länge sedan.

För att kunna komma till medvetande om vad
ande är för något, måste man ta hänsyn till alla de inledande förklaringar som jag lägger fram, för utan dem är det nästan omöjligt att bestämma andens nytta och roll, inte bara i verkligheten vi vistas i, utan även inom oss själva.
De som har visdom och erfarenhet på detta område, bekräftar det
andliga faktumets verkan och försöker vidarebefordra denna information till alla våra likasinnade, eftersom vi har den äkta övertygelsen om att alla människor har en suverän dignitet som enbart anden kan återställa till fullo.

Vägen till sanningen, till livet och till den mänskliga värdigheten är
andlig, därför är det så viktigt, anser jag, att uppdatera kunskaperna av denna sfär, för att komma till rätta med det mesta.


Vi startar med en enkel men seriös preliminär undersökning av de faktorer som har någonting att göra med fenomenet vi kommer att fördjupa oss i, och som här anses nödvändigt att granska, för att kunna ge tydliga svar på det som händer i globala termer just nu, och som enligt denna forskning, har en "andlig" bakgrund.
Dessa faktorer har vi kallat för: "Preliminära aspekter" och de ingår i detta arbetes "Del 1", att ta hänsyn till för att kunna förnimma det andliga faktumet.

Det är ingen lätt uppgift att precisera innebörden av många termer och praktiska före­te­elser som än idag är motiv av kontroverser och dispyter utan uppgörelse, men vi måste försöka skapa någon sort närmande, om vi vill utvidga vår medvetenhet, inte bara om oss själva utan även om allt annat.

Vi är miljarder människor med ungefär samma egenskaper, som inte utnyttjar till fullo de möjligheter som finns inuti oss, och därmed inte kan komma överens om de mest väsentliga angelägenheter som rör vår närvaro i livet.

Jag hör inte till "New Ages" rörelse och mina slutsatser skiljer sig i det väsentliga från deras, som ni kommer att konstatera länge fram.

Det finns ingen grupp eller organisation alls bakom mitt arbete. Det hela är frukt av livets omständigheter som karakteriserar de här sista åren, det vill säga, massiv arbetslöshet som tvingar miljoner människor att ställa sig existentiella frågor på fullt allvar, för att kunna fatta vart vi egentligen är på väg, och hur detta accelererade teknologiska lopp mot klockan kommer att sluta.

Efter tjugo års minutiös granskning av gamla skrifter som försöker förklara vår mänskliga situation från tidernas begynnelse, har jag äntligen fått fram en hel del vitala upplysningar som knyter oss samman till en del av verkligheten, som för länge sedan har varit nästan dold, men som snart kommer att uppenbaras i sin helhet.

Den mest kända av alla dessa samlade skrifter är Bibeln, och den mest gåtfulla berättelsen som vi måste analysera i grunden är, Paradiset och människofallet. Och vi ska göra det eftersom den berör nästan alla punkter som har med vår mänskliga natur att göra och vårt förhållande till hela omgivningen.

Dessutom förser denna saga oss med information om de två eminenta makterna som står i direkt relation till mänsklighetens framgång eller motgång, dvs.,
Yahweh Gud och ormen eller Satan.

För att få grepp om den andliga verksamheten, är man tvingad att gå igenom några av dessa traditionella skrifter, för de är nämligen samlingar av våra förfäders olika erfarenheter, som har till uppgift att belysa oss "om det som inte syns men som i kraftfulla termer är aktivt verksamt".

Dessa skrifter har vi samlat i "Del 2" under namnet: "Det andliga i specifik" enligt bibliska skrifter och författarens erfarenhet.

Utöver Genesis kapitel 1 till 3 granskar vi också två andra dokument, som förbinder oss med två mycket välkända män. De två har den gemensamma meriten av att ha varit oerhört visa och kunniga inom bl.a. det
andliga under deras levnadstid,.

De är, Israels konung Salomo och Jesus från Nasaret, i "Visdomens bok" respektive "Johannesevangeliet".

Inom de två första delarna som innehåller detta arbete med det
andliga faktumet, har vi adderat mängder av citat från olika faktaböcker, som ett sätt att förhålla oss så nära som möjligt till de sedvanliga kunskapskällor som allmänheten har till förfogande för att kunna hämta upplysningar av olika slag.

Till sist har vi en tredje del som kommer att vara en fullständig analys av vår nuvarande tid, med de två föregående delarnas granskning som plattform, och med en avslutande rapport om det som vi har utvärderat ska hända under den närmaste tiden. Fördenskull har vi kallat denna sista del för: "
Ansikte mot ansikte", eftersom, om allt stämmer det bör inträffa en oundviklig sammanstötning som kommer att göra slut på den gamla tiden och bereda vägen till en ny era av andligt styre. 

För att kunna bygga upp en helhetsbild av det faktumet vi granskar, har vi följt fenomenets spår genom en hel del av den mänskliga historien, ända fram till våra dagar. Detta ha vi gjort med den mest enkla och naturliga disposition, långtifrån vetenskapliga eller religiösa förväntningar, för att kunna hjälpa till den vanliga människans önskan att få veta sanningen.

I stora drag kan vi resumera hela det andliga faktumet på följande vis:

Anden, med stora bokstäver är Livet och Livet, med stora bokstäver är Gud och har existerat innan universum blev till.
Den är Den Helige Anden.

= utöver det vanliga. Inte av detta system.

Endast en uppenbarelse av egen fri vilja (revelation, avslöjande, manifestation) från Gud kan ge oss bekräftelse på Hans närvaro, vilja, karaktärsdrag, mm.

fick sin status (Homo- sapiens, sapiens) av Gud via Anden, och i enlighet med Guds önskan skapades människan: i Guds gloria (imagen - profil).

missbrukade eller missköt Guds gloria, övergav Guds gloria på det sättet och skapade det aktuella läget som vi alla känner till så väl.
Denna incident skedde för mycket länge sedan, vilket förklarar den nästan totala bristen av bevis, indicium eller spår. Det enda tecken vi har är de tendenser vi konstaterar inom oss själva att motstå naturens lagar i praktiska ter­mer, plus bristen av medvetandet om Gud och fördenskull om det andliga. 
Det onda fick sitt inträde i världen på det här viset, i både andliga och praktiska former. För ondskans makt är den kraft som av egen vilja överger Guds ordning, dvs., ställer sig i motstånd till den.Undergången, fallet eller arvsynden som det kallas, gav upphov till en desorganisation av Guds primära uppsåt, först och främst när det gäller människans fulländning, i det individuella såväl som i det kollektiva.
Överensstämmande med de föregående punkterna, står vi mitt i en strid mellan de krafter som står för eller emot människans fullkomlighet.
Den här situationen ställer oss alla under dessa makters subordination, fast under en redan bestämd tid som upphör i den stunden då Gud äntligen lyckas med sitt mål att skapa människan till sin egen gloria. ( Image) (På nytt)
Alla de föregående punkterna inbegriper praktiska begränsningar i vår 
mänskliga natur av sådan karaktär, så att endast en reell förändring kan ta slut på dem.
Den befrielsen vi är i stort behov av är absolut verkställbar och förser oss med bevis­ och förklaringar (medvetande) om hela faktumet, som vi kallar hela fenomenet för.
För att det ska ske en medvetandets förändring i oss och utvidgning med kon­kreta resultat, (lägg märke till liknelsen med begreppet evolution) bör vi "offra" eller överlämna vår "naturliga" konception av allting, och vara benägna att lära känna eller upp­leva 
Guds Helige Ande, som är det enda som inte har varit infekterat och manipulerat för de krafter som står emot universums ordning och människans befrielse.
Den ende som talade om för oss om allt detta, var den ende som föddes genom den Helige Andens kraft, den förste som döptes i den Helige Andens vilja, och den förste som återuppstod från de döda, i enlighet med den Helige Andens överlägsenhet. Jag kallar honom i denna essä för: Jesus, eller Mannen från Nasaret.
Många detaljer fordras hela tiden för att kunna ha en passande kontinuitet i själva arbetets ­gång. Det har jag märkt, och därför repeterar jag väldigt ofta särskilda uppgifter, med avsikten att bevara intresset, efter varje steg jag tar, av allt som vi anser vara relevant för den bästa övervakning av det
 andliga faktumet.
När jag var nästan klara med denna bok började det komma ut från olika vetenskapliga grenar förbluffande nya fakta som styrker de centrala upplysningar som min essä tar upp.
För det är Sanningen som äntligen ska göra oss fria, för Sanningen är Livet.

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