torsdag 22 februari 2024



Personally, I find myself at a rather moving crossroads, since it is a matter of verifying, on the one hand, that the renewal of the planet continues its march with its varied number of phenomena that are affecting the entire planet and with all its consequences.
On the other hand, it is to verify that unfortunately the people of the world continue with their plans and projects, short and long term, voluntarily or involuntarily discarding the fact that the planet we inhabit is in full renewal and that based on what we are observing daily, anything can happen and in the most unforeseen way.
That is to say, I feel a tremendous pleasure to see that something colossally great is happening here on Earth and that it has already begun to exert influence on the world and in all areas of things.
But what worries and saddens me most is the feeling that so many people do not have the slightest idea of what is really happening and continue to discard in this way that there is Someone who has laid down the laws of existence and by that very fact counts in His favor with the right to judge the works of all living beings.

Something I count in my favor and after almost 50 years has been preparing me for what  was revealed to me that would happen.
That something is not mine but has been granted to me by virtue of the events that have been taking place in the world, especially in recent decades.
I am on my way to being 78 years old (physically), but that something that dwells in the innermost part of my being remains unchanged at the age I was at the time of my spiritual experience.(27 years old)
Among other things that is what the photos of my beloved "Babies" and the large amount of music videos contained in this blog show and that help to give a clearly personal nuance to this personal testimony about the most remarkable and valuable experience I have gone through.

Something implicit in the way to the Eternal Life is this precise passage through which we have to go through and that is why changes, transformations, alterations are required and in short a perfection of everything that has been working until now, although not in the right way.
That is at least what I have personally been able to learn up to this very moment.

torsdag 8 februari 2024

I feel fine.


Despite all the circumstances, both adverse and favorable, I feel pleased with the experience of which I testify in this blog.
Although it is something strictly personal, I think it should be of great help, especially for those who still do not have a definitive conviction regarding this immense reality in which we are present.
My insistence on continuing to keep this blog active is due to the enormous amount of benefits that are obtained by being participants in something that goes beyond, and far exceeds, everything that until today is presumed to be known, especially regarding our personal integrity and origin of our human existence.
There is no one better who can reveal to us the multiple details concerning our human reality than the one who claims to be the one who wanted to have our presence, to share with us his multiple attributes.
Only in this way is it possible to understand our limitations and tendencies to want to solve questions on our own.
Having an experience, like the one I describe in this blog, on the one hand is something like a privilege and on the other, an enormous responsibility that has been granted to me, based on my most sincere desire to contribute to the liberation of human race, to put an end once and for all to ignorance, which is ultimately the mother of all doubts, assumptions and unwillingness to accept the existence of someone extremely superior who continues working so that we become something better from what we have been able to verify so far.

Continuing with my desire to make personal confessions and to resolve the enigmas that on a personal level have the tendency to hinder my progress along the path that I have been traveling until now, today I want to reiterate that the greatest of the obstacles that I count in my own interior is that of the part of my brain that was damaged at a very early childhood.
One of the most striking things that I have been discovering lately is the perception or realization that the damaged part of my brain, on the one hand, understands more easily the recovery or healing process that I am in, but only in Spanish or Castilian, which was the only language I knew in my childhood and at the age of being damaged.
On the other hand, it was in that language that my encounter on a spiritual level with the resurrected Jesus took place and my subsequent spiritual experience and encounter with the Supreme Being and the Spirit of Wisdom.
The other thing that has caught my attention is the varied amount of "personalities" that the human brain uses to execute its multiple functions. In this sense, memorizing facts and, above all, words accumulated during the time of our existence plays a very important role.
But all this that I have wanted to reveal very quickly is a tiny fraction of the gigantic amount of knowledge and verification that is at our disposal, if we only accept to be taught by someone who can really demonstrate to us his unlimited capacity of Power and Wisdom.

I feel fine to see, firstly, that there is a path that leads to something much better than what the current world offers and secondly due to the fact that despite all the adversities, limitations, setbacks, loneliness, pains and irritations, spite on the part of those who have known me, needs of all kinds and much more, what I have had the privilege of getting to know is something that is increasingly dear to me and because I have come to consider that this is my personal destiny or the goal of my existence.