torsdag 20 april 2023

Speaking clearly.

Speaking clearly.

In the name of the truth I must say that I feel disillusioned by people's lack of interest in the content of this blog.
The way to the Eternal Life is something that in no way, according to the "experts," has any relation to the present state of the world and especially to the humanity.
Before this I must emphatically reiterate that I am no specialist in what is arbitrarily called "religion."
It has been my practical experience, in the political and socio-cultural context of today's world that directly led me to what I call: "my spiritual experience" and I call it that because of the contact obtained with that dimension unknown to the vast majority of human beings.
And it was with the resurrected Jesus of Nazareth that this contact became a reality, not because I was precisely a devotee accustomed to following the dogmas and rituals of some particular group, but because of the fact that when that encounter occurred, I was in the uncomfortable situation of being detained in a regiment, after the military coup in Chile in 1973 and my existence was hanging from the will of those who had arrested me.
It is a moment like this that gives rise to the verification of things that, otherwise or habitually, we do not give them the deserved attention, above all because we do not understand them properly.
Life, according to the astute, is the product of pure coincidences that have "evolved" to reach the most cunning being of all, the human being.
And it is precisely because of that cunning that we are immersed in a reality that so far keeps us anchored in a state, not only sad, but also highly regrettable.
We try by all means to find practical solutions to our social coexistence, but until here and after thousands of attempts, we are again on the verge of extermination, not only of the human race, but of everything existing on this planet.
Of course, in this context, the way to the Eternal Life seems more like an illusion (or cunning) than a fact that will sooner or later fulfill what is being proposed.
The point is that the reality of which we are a part is strictly governed by laws at the universal level.
Nothing escapes its dispositions and the desire to do so automatically provokes chaos, something that after thousands and thousands of years of existence has never occurred in the universe.
It only happens in the gray matter of each human being and before the fact of not wanting to subordinate himself to the one who has arranged his existence.
This so simple, my dear friends, is what I have tried to demonstrate with this personal testimony and with the sole intention of doing justice to the Truth, the one that in multiple ways tries to make us see our limitations and the precarious condition of life in which we find ourselves until now.
I regret to remind the astute that even for the moment they can continue to do whatever they can think of, but that at the end it will serve them absolutely nothing, before the implacable Justice of the greatest of all, the power of Life.

Job 5:13
"He traps the crafty in the snare of their own trickery, throws the plants of the cunning into disarray.
In daylight they come up against darkness and grope their way as if noon were night".

1 Corinthians 3:19
"As scripture says: "He traps the crafty in the snare of their own trickery" and again: "The Lord knows the plants of the wise and how insipid they are"".

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