lördag 1 oktober 2022

Supreme Power.

A time of changes

The whole planet is feeling the weight to the brutal treatment that the human being has conferred to it during a long time. And now it is reacting with violence, in the form of climatic changes, volcanic activity, floods, storms, tornadoes, and an enormous amount of other phenomena that are not so easy to appreciate, but that in their totality signify considerable alterations in the ecological system of the planet.

The time has come
Now we have arrived at the time to the truth, as usually it is said. We are here all the people of the world prepared to face the facts and all that these really mean. Although until the last second our thoughts try to deceive us at all costs available and to make us doubt about everything what day after day we are stating with our own eyes.
How can be possible that everything that until this moment we have understood of a so ample and so clear way at heart it is not truth and does not agree with the absolute reality?
And to this question, all the powers of the nature activated of an extraordinary mode try to respond to us and to teach to us that all our human power is limited. That the
Life is sacred and demands regard and respect.
In spite of all the natural phenomena that daily are affecting one or another part of the planet, most of the people not yet has got to pay attention to all this one process. The great majority has not pay attention that every day, this process is taking greater proportions and that in its totality is revealing the presence of the
Master of the creation on the Earth.
And this must to the simple fact that we are misled totally, once again, not only in concern to our human activities but also with regard to the relation of the humanity with its
Creator, that is to say with the Life, God or the Spirit.

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