måndag 30 september 2024



I am fully occupied in discerning what it means for me personally to have been considered through a spiritual experience.
That experience is about to turn 50 years since the day it happened, that is to say, in October 18, 1974.
At the same time and a few days later I enter the age of 78 years of human existence.
As you will understand, the situation in which I find myself forces me to be permanently connected to the spiritual Power that sustains me in life. This fact implies in practice being a witness of an implacable struggle between Life and death and in the totality of my being, something that has been intensifying as time continues to pass.
I have many things that I would like to clarify in more depth, although on this occasion I only want to emphasize the fact that, despite everything I have said in this blog, this does not imply a direct connection between my words and each one of you who know of the existence of this blog. The spiritual connection is obtained in the most absolute natural reality and this written form has no effect on the transfer of the spirit, since in that case you would be witnesses without the slightest doubt of the testimony that I have wanted to make public in this place on the Internet and of all the things that I have said here.

John 3:6-8
"In all truth I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God without being born through water and the Spirit, what is born of human nature is human; what is born of the Spirit is spirit.
Do not be surprised when I say: you must be born from above.
The wind blows where it pleases; you can hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going.
So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit".