onsdag 20 december 2023

Still advancing.


I continue to advance in the path that leads to the Eternal Life, although it is increasingly difficult for me to explain or clarify the different stages or experiences for which I am currently going through.
I continue to keep this blog active in any case, solely and exclusively as a gesture of gratitude towards those few people in the world who, with their visits to my publications have shown that they understand something about the topics that I comment on and publish in this precise place on the Internet.
I come to realize that one of the factors that have influenced many people, to not give due importance to the things to which I refer here, is nothing more nor less than the style or design that I have chosen to make my posts.
Given that, I need to reiterate that this blog is nothing more than something like a hobby that keeps me advancing in discernment, about the spiritual experience that to this day continues to far exceed my own admiration.
And it is something so extraordinary, in such a way that I feel the imperative to share it with all those who, in my words, feel more than understand that what I say is Truth.

Today I want to reiterate that I am the only person in the world who has been commenting and for more than 20 years on the Internet, what is really happening with the nature of this planet.
And I have done this on the basis that on the day of my spiritual experience it was revealed to me that this would happen, as the last alternative to change the course of the present humanity with its multiple aberrations.
And that revelation was granted to me in October 1974.
It is part of the total renewal process to which Jesus referred and as a sign of his presence in the world to save those who have trusted in him.

The presence of the resurrected Jesus is in the Power of the Spirit and that is why no one knows where he is and whose lives he is helping to save.
And this presence of Jesus in the world is something that I have personally had the privilege of being able to witness.
Unfortunately I have not been able to contact any other person who can also testify in this regard.