Something amazing is going on, but there are few people who manage to understand the cause or reason for everything that is in progress on the entire planet.
That was something that was revealed to me by the Spirit of Wisdom on the day of my spiritual experience in 1974 and to which I have tried to make it evident, from then and until now, when we are still only in the middle of what all this transformation of the Earth's ecological system brings with it.
That is to say, nothing more nor less than a transfer of governance over everything that happens on this planet and because it is the last alternative to change the course of the present civilization, which despite all its enormous achievements in the investigative field , experimental and technological, has not yet been able to understand that the laws that govern everything that exists at a universal level have been arranged to have a colossal and complex life system and in no way to destroy what has been working until now, but with a view to being perfected.
There are people who from the beginning of human history have wanted to impose their own will and without caring at all about the tragic consequences that their decisions cause to their fellow men.
And this is due above all to ignorance regarding the complex interaction of all the laws that govern the thousands of thousands of particles that the universal reality contains in its entirety.
All of this is something that needs to be kept in mind at every moment when one of the multiple natural phenomena affects a specific place on the 5 continents now and in the near future.
The change or transformation is still in progress and will not stop until it meets the original objective for which it was intended. Something that for the moment continues to be part of the ignorance that dominates the actions and words of the human beings.
Isaiah: 26: 20-21
"Go my people, go to your private room, shut yourselves in.
Hide yourselves a little while until the retribution has passed.
For see, Yahweh emerges from his dwelling to punish the inhabitants of earth for their guilt; and the earth will reveal the blood shed on it and no longer hide its slain".